19: Trying To

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19: Trying To

"When you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."

Valerita just got back to her penthouse apartment from a stressful day at work and launched herself into a gorgeous warm bath. She poured her favourite scent into the water and let it lather before stripping off her clothes and sinking in.

Jasmine and lily fragrance lingered around the en-suite bathroom effectively relaxing Valerita's mind.

Until the incessant ringing of her cellphone awoke her from her me-time.

The lovely young lady rose from her tub and wrapped a towel around her petite frame, making her way to her bedroom.

She snatched the bag she'd thrown on her bed earlier and scanned it for her phone. She could help but groan when she finally found it and read the caller ID. Michael.

What does he want now?

"What is it now?" She called through the phone. She had to answer his call sooner or later. Now is better than him trying over and over again and just end with him banging the door to her home.

"Get ready. I'm picking you up in five minutes." His demanding velvety voice ran smoothly to her ear. But with that irritating static noise in the background.

"Ready for what?" She asked him, placing her phone squashed between her cheek and shoulder.

She pulled out her favorite night gown from her closet when he replied. "Dinner."

"But what for?" She asked again.

"Does an evening with me need a reason?" He countered.

"Yes." She answered simply. "Plus it's past nine at night. The evening flew by ages ago. What were you thinking then?" She argued.

"I know it's a little late but-"

She interrupted him before he could finish. "I'm just wearing my night suit and getting into bed. I'm way too tired for an outing after today. Least of all with you as company. You could've scheduled an appointment earlier."

"I did!" He sounded agitated now. "And I'm sure Pamela mentioned that to you." He defended.

"She did." Valerita agreed while, unknown to her, Michael plastered a huge grin on his handsome face. "But I cleared that part of my scheduled up because I was certain I couldn't handle anymore stress. And I knew dinner with an ogre can be extremely exhausting. You know. I'm sure Pamela returned that to you." She continued with a smirk.

Michael let out a frustrated breath. "No, she didn't."

"Well that's unfortunate. I'll be sure to add that on her pay check. She deserves the raise."

"Must you be so complicated?"

"Must you be so controlling?"

"Fine. Let's call it even. But I'm coming over to your place early tomorrow. Understood?"

"No. I just understood a grumpy old rat is visiting my abode tomorrow and I desperately need an escape plan."

"Surprise. Surprise." He said. His voice dripping with sarcasm. "Sleep well."

The line went dead.

He didn't even wait for a reply.

Like you were going to. A voice in her head nagged.

The thought of an unwanted visit from Michael kept Valerita awake until just before dawn, when sleep finally came over her. And surprise surprise. Who's to disturb her peace but the Mr. Billionaire Devil himself.

The incessant ringing of her phone finally drove her awake from sleep and to pick up the aggravating device, then skin alive whoever was on the line.

Oh how she forced herself to answer Michael's call.

"What?" She demanded upon accepting the call. He wouldn't give up anyway.

"Why aren't you here at the office? It's almost noon!" He practically burst her ear drums.

"Calm down Michael. I don't quite think my absence was a real bother to you since you called only just."

"Well it does. Because it would mean you're slacking off and that not only bothers me but the whole freaking company." His calm voice held a strained urge, probably to yell again.

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. I just overslept, since a grumpy old rat didn't visit me like he oh so macho way implied last night, I had a relatively long, peaceful sleep.... Hold on okay.  I'll be there soon." She hurriedly informed.


"Now hang up so I can get dressed!" She hung up next to instantly.

A minute into the office and Valerita gets a big surprise. With a snap of fingers she was inside Michael's cabin like a flash of lightning.

"You leaked to the tabloids about the freaking wedding?!" She let out angrily.

Michael just stared at her delurious state in astonishment.

"Our wedding." He corrected.

"You douche bag. Yes, our wedding. Our f*cking wedding! And you didn't think once to ask for my consent before making it public?" She demanded to know.

"I think not." He simply replied, making Valerita groan.

"Why can't you realise how hard it is for me live with this?" She was really not taking this well. "Why can't you see how much, how hard I am trying to keep myself straight every single time I see you? Why can't you understand that every time I'm with you I honestly want to be as far away from you as possible?"

Michael was awe-struck at her very surprising outburst. The first time a fuming beautiful lady decorated his office seems fun, but maybe not very much.

"Why?" His word came out as a whisper.

"Exactly. Why?" She whispered back.

Michael sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean this to be a road block in your life, Val. But the news was going to come out sooner or later. I thought it'd be better to be sooner, so as to let it have enough time to cool down."

"I just thought that I would get some time to let reality sink in. But I won't get that relief either. There are so many things in my life I keep trying to have, but just can't, because that's how I am. Unlucky."

"No you're not."

"Stop. Just quit it, alright. I don't need your empathy." She threw the words at him and turned to leave. "I'm taking a sick leave." She finished and left.


So? Does this chapter make you think about how it felt for Valerita to be living all by herself and suddenly she'd have to change that?

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