24: Maybe

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24: Maybe

"The only trick she ever played on him was never tricking him at all."

Getting lied to. It's not a very good feeling. Oh who am I kidding. When you're getting lied to about something you can't really argue about, you believe it. That feeling, is nothing special. We believe things we hear everyday. It's when you find out later on, that it was all a lie. Well, that's when you feel like a pile of cow dung.

Only, in this situation, Valerita was neither the dung nor the liar. She was just in between.

After a silent agreement to disagree, between the two men, Valerita decided to let the matter cool and ask Michael about it later. Truth is, his word would be better over Jordan's.

Either that, or she just doesn't like the idea of being judged wrongly when he knew nothing about why she said yes to Michael in the first place. What right did he have to call them a 'mistake', when they really weren't even a 'take' yet, and isn't he the one to talk?

Lots of things were running in Valerita's mind right now, but the worst was the thought of Mike after going quite a while without it. It flowed through her like ice cold water down a steep stream.

Flashback starts-

It was like any other day in college and everything seemed right in place. The normal plethora of college students rushing around campus trying to get some work done whilst others wasted their day lingering hopelessly as though time was insignificant. Among those was Valerita.

Broken and bruised, she held her heart. Numbly she walked across campus to get to her next class after a week of pointless hibernation. Yes, seven days she hid from the world. Didn't let anybody see her in such a miserable state. Didn't let anybody know how lifeless she'd become. Even if they did, they wouldn't understand. They would just call her a liar. Who would believe this feeble, young girl once ruled over the heart of the college's biggest heartthrob?

"Hey Rita!" It was Tracy that was calling her from across the garden, and around the wooden benches on the other side.

Valerita just waved her hand as a sign of 'see you another time'. But Tracy wouldn't have it. She strode towards her in confident strides and engulfed her in a warm hug. The universe knew how much she needed this.

"Come. I have a free period and I'm sure after bunking a week of classes, one more won't matter much. I want to talk."

So the girls headed to the garden and sat on a bench hidden from plain sight.

"Now tell me, what's bothering you?"

"Nothing." Valerita replies solemnly.

"Yes, and that's why you weren't attending classes for a week and look like a broken mess when you finally do." She says sarcastically. "I know, you don't trust me. You don't even have to. But all I need you to know, is that it's not healthy, Rita." She says and pauses. "I know about you and Mike."

Valerita stiffens with shock. "H-how?"

"I had a hunch at first. Then that day of the fire, well, I bumped into Mike when he was racing towards the burning building and he asked me to give a message."

"What did he say?"

"He said that he knows he won't get it, but that he begs for your forgiveness. I think that some part of him knew he wasn't going to make it. He also told me that he has no right to keep any part of you with him anymore. I don't really know what that means, but I was hoping you do."

A part of me with him. Valerita thought over the words carefully.

It didn't take long before it dawned on her what he meant.

"I need to get into his dorm room." Valerita stated.

The girls were overly smart and mischievous. That night, they snuck into Mike's dorm, hoping the administration hadn't cleared up any of his stuff yet. Luckily, they hadn't. As Mike's family was meant to visit for that purpose later that week.

The room was relatively silent as the air around hung stagnantly over them. It was dark, and they could barely see a thing, but still moved forward to look for a light switch.

What they saw was absolutely astounding.

"I can't believe him. This is just so not Mike at all." Tracy gasped.

Every wall in the dormitory was covered with pictures of the one person that resided in his heart.... Valerita.

Every nook and cranny had a picture of her plastered over it. Whether, single, or alone, posing, or not, a small sized image, or large. It was insane.

Impossible. Valerita thought. This is all a lie. He said it himself. That he no longer has any right to hold any piece of me with him. Then why send me here? To get rid of it all, of course. He couldn't have let anyone else as I forbid him to tell the others about us. Yes, that must be it.

"We need to get rid of it all." Valerita says, finally.

"What?! Why?" Tracy exclaims.

"Because.... He no longer has the right to keep a part of me with him. This is exactly why he sent me here."

Silently, Tracy helped her take it all down. The girls spent almost the whole night doing that.

After that, Valerita cleared up any item that she thought were trinkets of their relationship. A baseball cap she'd gotten for him, a bunch of love notes, an empty plastic box where she'd made his favorite mousse for him. Everything.

Everything except this one item that seemed to be missing. It was a locket that she'd gotten for him as a graduation present, but was too impatient and gave it to him months earlier.

"Is something wrong?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah, there was this chain and locket that-"

"Well, maybe he had worn it."

"Yeah, maybe."

"We should go now."

"Yes, let's go."

Flashback ends-

"Val?" Michael's voice snapped her back to the present.

"Hmm, yeah?" Valerita replied.

"You were out for a while there."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly, "so what were you saying?"

"I was thinking maybe we could go out for lunch."

"Umm, maybe.. I don't know. It depends."

"Depends on what?"

"Depends on who's asking. So are you asking me out Mr. Cavill?" Valerita knew she was playing with fire here, but her plan was to get him buttered up so she could get her answers. Because she knew she wasn't going to get them without a little effort.

Michael gave her a devilish grin. "Firstly, it's Michael. And secondly, maybe.."


So what do you think will come off of her little attempt at tricking Michael? He couldn't possible be that predictable, right?


Next chapter up soon.

Show me some love first.


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