8: New Entry

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8: New Entry

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."

The next morning Valerita woke up fresh and late. Quite unusual since it was a weekday and people might be waiting for her at the office. She's never been late before. But it didn't bother her.

Valerita made her way way to the kitchen to ask Christy for a cup of coffee and some breakfast after a quick shower. It was a shock to see Michael there instead. Styling black shorts and shirtless.

"Rise and shine." Michael turned from the stove and smiled at her. His muscles flexed and Valerita found herself staring at his chest intently. He was so hot.

"I can see your face heating up, Val."

His voice jolted her. Especially how seductively he said his little nickname for her, painted her cheeks red.

He smirked and turned back to continue what he was doing. His hair glissened, proving he'd just come from a shower as well.

Michael had slept over at her place in the guestroom since it got quite late.

"You cook too?" It was the first thing that came to her head.

Michael chuckled. "Yup. Thanks for letting me stay for the night."

"Pleasure." Valerita nodded.

"Goodmorning Ms. Rita." Christy came in the kitchen at that moment. "Can I help with anything Mr. Cavill?"

"No thank you, Christy." Michael told her.

"I'll just finish up in the laundry room if you don't need anything Ms. Rita." She said.

"I don't." Valerita smiled and Christy left.

"You met Christy?" Valerita asked Michael.

"She's nice."

"She's like family."

"I got that by the way you talk to her." He smiled dearly.

"What are you making?"

"Not making. I've already made for you.... Chicken lasagne." He announced as he kneeled down to retrieve from the oven a delicious looking dish with steam flowing out of it and a tasty smell lingered around the room.

"I'll get us some wine." Valerita headed for the pantry.

"Already taken care of." Michael grabbed her elbow, leading her towards the dining room while carrying the lasagne in his other, muffed, hand.

"Lasagne for breakfast. Isn't that a bit too much?" Valerita asked after they were both comfortably seated at the dining table with two glasses of white wine that Michael had readied for them.

"I thought you'd be hungry like a lion." He shrugged.

"Lioness." Valerita corrected.

"Lioness. Of course."

Valerita giggled at his attempt to please her. "Well thank you."

"Was the least I could do as you let me bunk at your place for the night."

"I should get to my office though."

"Our office."


"We share the business equally now."

"Yeah." Valerita nodded fumbly.


"Good morning Ms. Monroy, Mr. Cavill." Pamela greeted them when the got out the lift.

"Schedule a meeting please, Pamela. All the heads of department." Valerita ordered.

I'm All Yours, Mr. Billionaire (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now