25: Helpless

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25: Helpless

"I don't want sex, I want the things that lead up to it.

The slow kissing, then the passionate kissing, then the pulling closer, the neck kisses, the grabbing, biting, heavy breathing, grinding, and pauses while you catch your breath, feeling each other.

Oh my.

Then sex."

The duo left in Michael's car a few minutes later after Michael changed into jeans and a tee. Michael did doubt the sudden change of behavior towards him from the lady, but he didn't put much thought to it, passing it off as though she'd had a change of heart due to his own chivalry. He's been taking good care of her. He needed to, after all. He'd made a huge mistake breaking her heart earlier. But what else could he do. After the accident, he felt useless.. Helpless

"What are you thinking about?" Valerita disrupted his train of thoughts.

Michael's hands tightened around the leather clad steering wheel, as he hesitantly answered her. "I was just thinking of where to go. There's this five star restaurant near the–"

"No! Umm, I'm tired of five star fancy shmansy. I want to go to a secluded and cosy setting. Like a little cabin in the woods, or a–"

"A chalet by the beach."


"And how do you propose will we eat?"



"Yes, you. I know your secret love. You can prepare the meal. And I'll help."

"Alright, cooking it is."

The beach wasn't really far from the part of San Francisco that they were at. A few hills down a fifteen minute flight and Michael had driven them to a perfect little cottage by the shore. The early afternoon sky greeted them with immense warmth and light.

Valerita took a calm step onto the cool white sand and let her toe nails enjoys the feels of the tiny little grains between them. She removed her shoes just moments before to do exactly this. Then, she breathed in a long gulp of the salty sea air to refresh her mind. Maybe she could just enjoy the day, and talk to Michael about all that drama later.

"Are you quite done?" Michael interjected smugly.

"Oh, we're playing that game are we? Well, I'm not letting you get away that easy." She declared, slowly treading her way towards where he was standing. "You need to be taught some manners."

"And who's going to do that?"

"Me." She spoke dramatically, lunging at the man, causing him to lose his balance and drop towards the sand. She rested her hands on his chest to prevent him from getting back up, and straddled his waist so he stays locked. "I'm not letting you go until you stop being so darn grumpy."

A devilish smirk appeared on his face. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around her waist, then rolled them over so he was on top of her now, making sure to rest his hands on the ground on her sides so as to not crush her with his weight. "I think you're going to have to rethink your plan."

She tried wriggle out of his hold but to no avail. "C'mon. Let me go now."

"Nope. Not until you jump into the water."

"That's crazy, I haven't even worn my swimsuit."

"What's wrong with what you're wearing now."

"The water must be freezing."

I'm All Yours, Mr. Billionaire (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now