21: Compelled Proposal

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21: Compelled Proposal

"...in vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire you, love you.."

One night with the grumpy rat. That's all life is asking from Valerita. Surely, she can sacrifice as much for the greater good.

And as an added bonus, the rat is a gentleman. That's a great motivation factor.

They were currently dining at the city's most renowned restaurant, and all eyes were on them. To the world, they were the perfect couple, but the truth held a completely different story. Or more like an impossibly complicated one.

Michael gave her a heads up on the press tailing them, and advised her not to act conscious. But she would have appreciated a warm up before he popped out and rained on her, a completely flabbergasting situation.

It was just after dessert. All night Michael had been complimenting her and nagging to himself about how he wanted to make this right. Oh how she needed to know what this, he was referring to. What could he mean? Is it their fake relationship? What is their freaking relationship?

To crumble the all out awkwardness in the room to a more confusing one, her favourite melody played and brought a confused yet delighted smile on her face.

Michael couldn't take his eyes off his fiancé. She looked flawless. And she has always been her perfect self all the way. Since the time he laid eyes on her, he knew there was something special about her. He's always adored her. Always been mesmerized by everything about her. Always been drawn to her. Always.... Loved her.

"Don't you think the least this deserves is a little performance?" Michael asked her carefully. He knew she still didn't have her complete faith in him. How could she? After all that her life has put her through. But he's going to give it his all.

After all, he's part of the reason she's never enjoyed what the world's got to offer.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand wha-"

"Dance with me, Val." It was more of a statement than a question, and it made her flutter in all different ways. He knew the effect he had on her, but she didn't know the things she made him feel. It was almost agonising to stay away from her.

Still she nodded, not an inkling knowing why exactly she'd done that. And she didn't care. She gave her hand to the man, and he led her to the centre of the room and they danced.

His hand on her waist and hers on his broad shoulder. The moment was amazing.

And then he just had to kneel on one knee and say what he did.

"I know I'm not even close to the Romeo, Prince Charming, Superhero you were promised when little. Heck! You probably dreamt of someone like that every night. But it's safe to say I can try to be something of that sort for you. I can become anything you want me to be, if I can get something in return: you. Just adorable, bubbly, French fries loving, gullible, you. So make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me." It hurt him not to tell her the whole truth. He ached to tell her how he felt. How he loved her. But he knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. Only time would soften the blow.

So many thoughts were running uncontrollably in Valerita's mind and the question that came up more than once was: Is this really happening?

Yes this is really happening. The man just asked - scratch that, more like demanded - her for marriage. What would be the ideal reply? Yes.

What would be the truthful reply?


That felt like the only answer she could give him. But now. She wasn't so sure of it.

She couldn't help but stare at the lovely ring he held in his hands. No box of course, where would he have hidden it? She laughed inertly. It was like the one she'd seen that time they'd gone shopping together. Only he switched the crystal for a real diamond instead and the metal was probably platinum. But it was outstanding, nonetheless.

This man has hurt her before, and she wouldn't want that to happen again. Because this time, she would fall too deep and climbing back up would hurt a hell of a lot more.

But, on the other hand, she's already agreed to this earlier. Why is he bringing this up like this all over again?

Of course! Realisation dawned on her. He's just pretending in front of the people here, but in reality it's actually a compelled proposal.

Michael Cavill couldn't possibly ask for Valerita Monroy's hand in marriage in such a heart warming and romantic way. Not unless he's at gun point. And compulsion looks like the next best alternative.

To top it all off, here comes the dreaded truth: Valerita is compelled to say yes. For the sake of her family's legacy. For the sake of her beloved parents.

Most of the other diners had their phones out and held this spark in their eyes like it'll crush them to hear her say no. Not to mention the hoard of paparazzi outside the restaurant's windows.

She was stuck. She was stuck bad.

With no other option but to say yes.

"Yes." She said, ever so softly it could've been a whisper.

And suddenly his eyes lit up, shining like fireworks on New Year's. The corners of his lips lifted and gave her a dazzling smile that snatched her breath away.

"She said yes!" He yelled at the top of his voice cueing the round of applause and cheers from the spectators. They probably didn't hear her before.

He slipped the ring on her finger and laid a sweet, chaste kiss on the back of her hand.

Unable to control his excitement, Michael lifted Valerita by her waist and spun them around as she screamed from surprise, whilst he chuckled uncontrollably.

The moment was so.... beautiful. Neither of them could begin to describe it.


Their ride home was so awkward, Valerita didn't have the words to tell how uncomfortable and confusing the evening was for her.


She had no idea how badly he wanted to hear her say his name all night.


"I don't quite understand...." She started, playing with the new jewellery on her hand.

"What's there to understand? Oh! You mean the ring. Lena was a great help, she showed me a picture of a sold piece you liked. But I had to get you something nobody else could possibly have. So I got the diamond fitted."

"No. The ring is fabulous. Thank you. I mean, you needn't have done something so extravagant...."

"It was no trouble. It was all worth you saying yes."

"Of course I had to say yes, I-"

"What do you mean you had to."

"Well this was obviously a stunt to entertain the press, right? The contract and all. You couldn't possibly want to actually marry me?" She asked amusedly. As though the thought of Michael actually wanting to marry her was preposterous.

Michael felt his world crumble. The love of his life thought his proposal was an act. A façade. She didn't really want him.


Aaaawwww. I was almost in tears writing the end of this chapter.

But wow. He loves her!!!!


Shower your love too guys!


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