11: He's had a what?!

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11: He's had a what?!

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

"Tracy!!!!" Valerita launched herself at the pretty young lady with raven hair and slim body who just stepped into her penthouse.

"Gosh. Rita! Look at you." Tracy exclaimed, hugging Valerita for dear life.

"Me?! You?! You're married!"

"Yup. Last time I checked." She chuckled and Valerita and Pamela followed suit.

"What's the joke?" Allan had showed up.

The girls didn't bother answering him. Instead, they made themselves comfy on the couches to catch up with some gossiping.

It was some time later that Jordan showed up.

"I'm starving." He stated after a short hug with Valerita.

"Well hello and good evening to you too, Dan." Valerita joked. "Christy's got everything ready. Come on." She lead the all of them to the dining room.

"Shouldn't we wait for Mr. Cavill?" Pamela asked.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon. Plus, the food'll get cold. Christy here," she gestured towards Christy, who smiled widely, "has worked way too hard to make the dishes."

So Michael basically didn't show up for hours and Valerita just couldn't care less. Or so she thought.

Somewhere deep inside of her, she was missing him, even though she didn't want to admit it.

They were all seated and having coffee when Jordan's cellphone rang.

"It's Michael." He told them and decided to pick it up right ahead of them. "Who's this?" "You're fucking kidding me right?" "I'll be right there." He concluded and faced four wide open eyes filled with a million questions.

"Wh-what d-did h-he s-ay?" Valerita stuttered. She was damn worried. But why? She didn't know.

"Michael's had an accident." Jordan announced straightforward.

"He's had a what?!?!" Valerita shrieked. Nothing was stable in her. She was just so shocked. So confused.

"I'm going there now. It's serious." Jordan said.

"I'll come too." Allan denoted.

"I'll call the authorities and make sure this doesn't get to the press. The last thing Mr. Cavill needs is a hoarding of questions and plasters of himself all over the news." Pamela interjected. "Rita, are you alright?"

Valerita was still shocked and couldn't grasp anything happening around her. She felt drained. Helpless. Frozen.

"Rita, keep yourself together." Tracy said.

Get a grip!!!! Valerita scolded herself.

"I'm coming with you, Dan." Valerita's words were crystal clear, even over all the hustling tension around.

"You can't." Jordan stated.

"You don't tell me what to do!" Valerita spat.

Hesitantly, Jordan agreed. Valerita, Jordan and Allan headed to where Michael was, while Pamela and Tracy contacted the authorities, private detectives and tracking agencies to find out some more details of what exactly happened to Michael.

They reached the highway where Michael's car crashed and the sight was a wreck. Two very expensive cars looked obliterated. The smell of burning feul and blood reaked around the air and did nothing to soothe Valerita tension. Shreds of metal and pieces of glass was spread over a wide scale on the road. What's worse was that Michael was nowhere in sight.

I'm All Yours, Mr. Billionaire (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now