18: Plan to Truly Pretend

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18: Plan to Truly Pretend

"Life's like your own movie. Write your ending. Keep believing. Keep pretending."

All eyes present in the room trained instantly on Valerita after her surprising and rude outbreak.

"Excuse me?" Mr. Alimer asked, clearly pissed off by her rude attitude.

"I apologise on her behalf Mr. Alimer." Michael quickly tried to fix the situation. "Do you all mind giving me and my fiancé a few minutes alone?"

They all kindly nodded and swiftly left the conference room.

"I am not your fiancé!" Valerita snapped, the second the door shut.

Apparently Michael's first instinct was to say, "Calm down, Val." Ofcourse that doesn't work.

"Calm down?! First you try courting me, then you go and kiss me out of nowhere, but later you tell me it's a mistake, now you call me your wife?!" Valerita screams. She's an earful.

"Fiancé." Michael corrected her.

Valerita groaned. "Tell me Michael. Do you think I'm a toy? Do you think you can just play around with my feelings and hurt me as you please?"

"Ofcourse not, Val. But would you please atleast listen to me." Michael insisted.

Valerita nodded with a sigh.

"Thank you." Michael injected with relief. His words laced lightly with sarcasm. "The fucking directors of Sunset think I'm not mature enough to handle this joint venture. Alimer thinks if I'm a married man, I can handle a real relationship and prove maturity."

Quite unneccesarily, Valerita let out a little giggle. As adorable as she sounded, it pissed off Michael.

"What is so funny?" He lashed out grumpily.

"I agree."

"Agree? With what?"

"About you being immature." Valerita tried hold back her chuckles.

But failed miserably upon seeing Michael scowl as a child would.

Some moments later Valerita recovered from her personal joke and asked. "So, what is it that you want me to do about it?"

Michael brightened up at the hope of a real opinion. "Simple. Marry me."

Valerita always dreamed that one day a handsome young man would come and sweep her off her feet, shower her with love and adoration and ask for her hand in marriage in the most romantic way possible and assure her of his honour and honesty so as to win a simple yes from her.

Instead she gets an arrogant bastard that calls their first kiss a mistake, practically states she should marry him with no care in the world of what she thinks.


Michael looks stunned by the one word that succinctly left her lips. It almost stung him, that for once on this Earth lived a woman who refused him.

But ofcourse, a man like him would not let a scratch on his large ego. Instead, he masked his face with annoyance to cloud the hurt.

"I meant that we could pretend." He immediately let out.


"Yes. We can have a contract marriage all the while acting infront of the press like the lovey dovey couple we aren't then by a year or so, get a divorce."

That is absurb! Valerita thought to herself.

"You're a devil's spawn, you are. You put Satan himself to shame. A fake marriage! Do you even realise what you just said? Marriage is a sacred bond between two lovers who would give more than their lives for each other, but you want to proclaim it as a business deal?! How could you even think that?"

I'm All Yours, Mr. Billionaire (UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now