17: I Will Never! Or?

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17: I Will Never! Or?

"Never say never... Because limits, like fear, are often just an illusion."

Time passed seriously slow and the silence between the two was getting smothered by the growing tension.

The waiter came back with their order and they ate not saying a word to one  another until dessert arrived and Valerita complimented how good it was whilst Michael agreed with a courteous nod followed by a, "Sweet as you."

Guilt built inside Valerita, she just couldn't agree with anything that the handsome hunk in front of her had to say. Where as he agreed to anything she had to say.

Urgh! Why does he have to make this so frustrating?!

After calming the mini tantrum going on in her head, Valerita asked the thing that was bothering her this whole time.

"Why am I here Michael?" The words rolled out her tongue before she could contemplate how they sounded out loud. Simply rude. But she didn't mean it that way. And judging by the look on Michael's face, he was distressed and indecisive about how to answer her question.

"I mean, what was the purpose of pampering me with lunch and compliments?" She amended.

Michael was left stunned and he was as numb as a statue. She didn't know whether Michael was at a loss for words due to her question or if there was something else running in his mind.

"Did you hear me, Michael?" Valerita tried to get his attention. On top of that, she was pretty irritated with his behaviour as well. One minute he is simply amazing to her and the next he's a bossy maniac. It was all so frustrating. Her toleration was falling by the minute.

After what seemed like ages later, Michael finally cured and smiled at her.

"Well you see. I'm quite sure your adamant personality will come in the way of trying to cooperate on the joint venture in California with Sunset. So I wanted to have it over with that you're not coming." He said it upmost certainty like there's no arguing with it.

But of course, the short tempered temptress would surely not have his way.

"What do you mean I'm not coming?!" Valerita had her words out hard and firm with a completely surprised expression colouring her beautiful face. It was almost a yell.

"You will remain here, while I go to California and seal the deal." Michael said this as relaxed as the air around him.

"Most definitely not!" The air around Valerita was the complete opposite of relaxed. She was filled with fury and despise for the man sitting before her. "I am not to sit idle while you make a deal that could change the fate of my company!" She spat at him.

"Volume." He mumbled sarcastically, only adding to her irritation.

Valerita took a deep breath and leaned towards him a little. "I'm coming, and you can't stop me, nor tell me otherwise. You have absolutely no right-"

"Don't talk about rights with me, Val." He rudely interrupted her. "I need you to understand that-"

"I don't want to understand." Coincidentally, everybody was playing the rudely interrupting game. "You listen to me now Michael Cavill. You don't get to decide what I should do and should not. To hell with your contract and your conditions. I prefer to live my life in bankruptcy and in debt rather than in my own miserable hell with you around." Without a second glance Valerita left the man sitting alone at the table with all the dignity she had, right after slamming dollars on the table to pay the bill for her half of the meal.



What does the.... the.... the slimy fur ball of a rat think of himself?!

Valerita was cursing everything having to do with her, pacing around her office.

Pamela burst through the door just then, adding to Valerita's frustration.

"What?" She demanded in a very harsh tone.

"I'm sorry Ms. Monroy, but the board of Sunset just arrived and is waiting for you in the conference room. And as your PA I must inform you, they are most impatient." Pamela replied gathering all the courage she had to face the distressed wild cat of a boss.

"I'm sorry, Pam. I'll be right on that." Valerita quickly amended.

"As your friend, do tell me what's wrong soon after." She requested sweetly and quietly exited the room.

Valerita took a deep breath and smoothed out her attire which had put in creases after hard hours at work.

She sighed and left her office for the conference room where the meeting with Sunset is taking place.

All the business associates were just taking their designated seats when Valerita arrived. She addressed everybody professionally before not preferably taking her seat beside Michael.

"Please proceed with your opinions Ms. Monroy." Mr. Alimer started.

Michael shifted in his seats uncomfortably making Valerita wonder what bothered him out of the blue.

She shrugged though the members in the room didn't notice it and then stood up to put forth her requested opinion.

But before she could gain her balanced posture, Michael wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her back down, standing up instead.

"I can assure you all that our joint venture tin California will be most profitable for both of the competent companies." Michael began.

Valerita felt extremely irked with his unprofessional behaviour. Why can't he keep aside their personal tiffs from their professional lives like she does?

This seemed quite unordinary. To see someone as successful as Michael Cavill batter up his professional and personal lives, was truly unbelievable.

The meeting went on the same way. Every time Valerita was offered an opportunity to give her word for anything, Michael would expertly change the subject.

"Well," Mr. Alimer suddenly called around in a serious and ironic demeanour. "This easily means that the condition I put forth has not been an obstacle either, has it?"

Valerita, who was so far not paying much attention anymore, courtesy of Michael, suddenly felt her ears shoot up in curiosity.

What's he talking about? Valerita thought.

Michael felt the air squeeze out of his lungs and had a momentary lapse for words.

This gave Valerita an open window of opportunity to finally let out her voice.

"I apologise for my inattentiveness in this matter, but may I know what condition you are referring to?" She asked, as politely as possible.

"Val!" Michael cut in. "No need to hide anymore. Didn't I tell you, I've decided to let everyone know? Just like you wanted." He quickly told her, silently praying she would let the topic go.

Valerita was extremely confused. What is he talking about?

Unfortunately Mr. Alimer had other plans, and to Michael's dismay, he blurted the one thing Michael wished he wouldn't. "Yes, yes Ms. Monroy, I have been personally told of your upcoming wedding with Mr. Cavill. And might I say, you two make a great couple." He beamed.

Valerita's mind reeled and eyes widened, while Michael groaned inwardly.

Holy crap!

The same phrase ran over both their minds.



What do you think will be Val's reaction to this news?

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Love you....


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