World no. 9 House of Mouse, enter King Robo part 1

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(Opening end)

In the outskirts of Main Street, the Kadoya Mansion landed and its inhabitants came out, finding themselves in animated forms. The others are still training in the training room. Red Woz and Black Woz are still talking about the functions of the Zi-O II Ridewatch.

Tsukasa: So Hikaro, why are we here?

Leah: I agree too. Why are we here again?

Hikaro: Well, we need to recruit Mickey and his Friends, in case.

Houston: Agreed, sir!

Boots: I'm with him.

Leo: Me too.

Ora Me three!

Huere: Me four!

Sento: Well, I would like to come, but I have an errand to run.

Robert: What errand?

Sento: Something cool! See ya! *running off*

Takeru: Well, let's go!

Michel Ramon: Ikuzo!

Hikaro: But, we really need to watch out for the Masters of Evil and the Quartzer Syndicate, Right!

Alliance: Right!

that they went out to find Mickey Mouse and Friends.

(Main Street)

The Alliance walked through the streets and soon found themselves standing in front of a nightclub.

The Alliance walked through the streets and soon found themselves standing in front of a nightclub

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(Imagine if the Alliance are outside and Max on the parking lot)

Hikaro: Wow!

Takeshi: Cool!

then, Robert spotted Max, Goofy's son, standing in the parking valet.

Robert: Well I'll be. *going to him* Max. Good to see you.

Max: Robert, my man! *giving him a high-five* You're back. *looking to the others* Are those your friends?

Robert: Yep. Hey! Where are the others?

Max: Well, All of the Disney Characters cannot come, but you're welcome to stay. We have lots of cartoons and foods.

Hikaro: I like cartoons!

Shimmer and Shine: We like delicious desserts!

Marvelous: Movies!

Yoko: Drinks!

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