¤《 Metal hurts》¤

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"Okay just know this is going to hurt." Sam pushed buck's hand by the cold running tap water. He rubbed aloe onto the area after his hand soak in the cool water. He took Bucky to the couch and grabbed burn ointment. Sam wrapped Bucky's hand sitting crisscrossed on the couch. he bit his tounge concentrating on how to wrap a hand. It had been awhile since he needed to wrap something.

"There." He said Smiling looking up at Bucky.

"Thank you for using your hidden talent of healing peoples burn. Also I guess tea making is one of my weaknesses." He smiled sarcastically.


A soft rain starts out side of the cabin. Bucky took notice and left the room to sit on the porch. Sam let the man go outside, he put away the first aid and grabbed the beer that rested on the counter, sipped it returning back to his own seat watching the sports game intensely.

Bucky stuck his good hand out off the porch letting the soft playful cloud's tears drip onto his hand cooling his hand off. Bucky didn't like to tell anybody but the rain remind him of his Nana. She was brave women who served in the marines women's division in WW||. She had taught him that the rain was tears from the angels above. Every time the heavens cried they cried for those who had died that year. As each storm would grow it represented how powerful each persons love for whom died was. She told Bucky to enjoy the respects paid by the angels above. He couldn't help but move into the rain letting the drops hit his entire body. He took his wrapped hand out letting a few cloud tears drop onto it.

"How much longer are you going to spend out here? You're going to get sick." Sam questioned from the porch.

"Whenever it rains, the angels ache." Bucky said from the porch step.

"How so?" Sam crossed the wooden porch sitting next to Bucky.

"My Nana use to tell me how they'd mourn for those who died. Each storms power was from the love the significant other shared with them."

"Question." Sam asked.

"Go ahead."

"If you left me tonight, would you care if I cried? Or punched and kicked the wall. Would you look back at the time we bought basically one-hundred fruits. Or The first time we met." Sam looked at Bucky seriously.

"I'd sit and hit play in my memories. I'd sit for days. Praying that Gods and mortal men bow down to you. That your life would be okay. That I wouldn't have to worry about you. We just met, yet were so close I couldn't stand to loose you. your like family." Bucky said watching the rain grow stronger.

Sam looked at this hands rubbing his thumb's together. He wasn't wrong. He could tell Bucky was dead serious. He stood up giving a pat to Bucky's shoulder. "You should really think about coming inside."

Bucky gave a half-assed smile standing up walking inside of the Cabin.


And scene

Sorry for the short ass chapter but I'm being generous.

Also I'm sweating my ass of cause my parent won't turn on the a/c. Any tip on how to get rid of the over whelming heat in my room.

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