¤《 coffee creamer.》¤

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He saw Sam's nails digging into his legs. He took his hand and held it for a moment. "Please don't hurt yourself." Sam felt his hands turn warm. He had always felt so cold now that it was odd to feel warmth. He felt addicted to the warmth. "I won't. The spray just hurt a little." Sam said leaning towards Bucky. He wrapped his arms around the other man's body soaking in the warmth.
"It's cold in here." Sam said letting go of Bucky after a mintue or two.

"I can get you a blanket." Bucky offered.

"Please." Sam responded.

Bucky returned with a old worn blanket. He placed it over his back.

"Why'd you lie to me." Sam looked at the spray avoiding Bucky's unworthy eye contact.

"I did it so you wouldn't freak out." Bucky sighed.

"I wanted to protect you because you- you changed something. It's hard to explain but I wanted to do better after we met.

I killed these people because, because I had too. They're worst then you'd expect."
Sam raised his eyes to Bucky.

"I- I ran in head to head with a mafia problem, and they told me I had to cross these people off or I'd become them.
And now I'm in deeper shit then I mean to be in. And I snapped at you out of stress, and I didn't mean to, but it, it just came out of no where."
Sam placed a hand over Bucky's.
"So could you let me go? I promise I won't tell anybody."

Bucky's eye dilated. His face frowned. "I can't. I already told you this."

"I still have one more name to cross of this list and I need you to help." Bucky stood up grabbing Sam.

"Time to rest."
He dragged Sam along the floor pulling him into the bed. He held him by his waist. Sam felt himself mentally gag.

Bucky went into a deep sleep. Sam wiggled himself free from Bucky's grasp. He tried to find the door.
Bucky felt around the bed.

Sam thought

He silently crossed the room and went back under Bucky.

The dreadful morning came, Bucky woke up early. He wore a dark leather suit. He had a mask over his face.

"Here." He tossed down a dark suit at Sam.

"Get ready we leave soon."
Sam nodded and started to change into the suit.



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