Chapter 7

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Percy's POV

Seeing Artemis's face crumple when I said that made my chest tighten. She seemed so disappointed that this was me. She, after all, had treated me like shit when she first captured me. Why would I treat her with kindness? I once respected the gods. Now I don't to most of them. Only Hestia, Hades, and Hera. My patron, my uncle, and the goddess of families. I was blessed with a new family and for that I am in debt to her as much as I am to my patron.

Howling rang through the night. The howls of my pack. It was sad, mourning howl. I took off towards it and ran into a clearing. The hunters were surrounding three wolves. Another two were dead nearby. Thalia shot an arrow and I jumped in front of it. It pierced my shoulder and I was pushed back a few inches. Growls sounded and voices yelled. My vision was red as I recognized the wolves who were here.

They were my friends. They were like my brothers and sisters. And to see two of them dead broke my heart. Wind whirled and the temperature dropped. The hunters started to retreat but I held them there using the water in their blood.

The two dead wolves started to change back to a human. Miley and Danny. Oh gods! My eyes shut tightly and my breathing grew irregular.

I was the one found Miley and Danny and brought them to the pack. They were both abused and I killed their fathers for it. I taught them how to fight and told them what they were. They were like children to me, even if they were around the same age. It was never weird. They called me dad and they had found their mates in an alley not long after that. Arms and fur went around me. A brown wolf, gray wolf, and blond wolf huddled around me, trying to comfort me. They knew what they meant to me. The hunters wolves also watched, some inched closer and I bared my teeth. They skit backdrop me with bowed heads.

"Miley. Danny." My voice cracking. I cried softly, bringing them close. My pack mates changed back and tears ran down their face.

"They wanted to get you." Blake said.

"We told them not to go." Carmen said after him.

"No, please they can't be!" Alisha cried out. Alisha was was Miley's half-sister and Danny's mate. Oh gods.

"Why do you shoot them!" I demanded while my face was buried in Miley's neck. "What did they do?"

"They passed into our camp." Phoebe answered. "They were wild unknown wolves so..." Her voice died down.

"We're sorry." Thalia said, though she didn't sound like it.

I picked up Miley's body and Blake picked up Danny's. We ran knowing that they weren't following.

Artemis POV

His eyes were back to their normal sea green color, but they weren't full of life and mischief as they were all those years ago. They were shattered like broken glass. Broken and probably never can be fixed.

"Who shot them?" I asked my hunters. Three raised their hands. Phoebe, Piper, and Thalia. (Not piper Mclean.)

"Their werewolves M'lady. They needed to be shot down!" Phoebe protested as she saw my horrified look.

"You messed with a powerful man." I said sternly. "Thalia did you recognize anything about them?" She hesitated before answering.

"The boy, Jayden. He had Percy's sea green eyes, but it had a silver in it." I continued to look at her expectantly, waiting. Her eyes lit up with recognition as she knew.


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