Chapter 19

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I flashed us to the edge of camp. Snow and Leah were taking care of Daniel at my tent. I saw Avery staring at the hunters, more specifically Thalia.

"Percy!" Leah yelled. She waved us over. "Who are they?"

"This is Lacey, daughter of Khione. Maya, daughter of Athena. And finally my lil sis Faye."

"A daughter of Poseidon! You're not the only heir anymore." Snow joined the conversation.

"Girls, these wonderful women are part of my pack. This is Leah, her wife Snow, my grandson Daniel, and that person over there is my daughter and one of my best friends, Avery." She walked over to us. They all said hello and told the girls about themselves.

"So your a werewolf?" Lacey asked for confirmation. We nodded. "You two are mates?" Snow and Leah nodded. "Your mate was Percy's adopted daughter?" Avery nodded stiffly. "And you're King of the wolves, alpha of the pack, savior of Olympus, Champion of Hestia and a couple other gods."

"Too many titles. I prefer Percy." They all chuckled back. "So I'm gonna take you to see Artemis and if you wanna join her than you can."

They followed Thalia to Artemis's tent and they were there for maybe half an hour. Thalia walked out followed by Maya, Lacey, and Faye. All three seemed a bit confused.

"They didn't want to do it." Muttered Thalia. "They just want to be free and do things their way. Faye is too young to make the decision now, but we can ask her again in the future."

I sighed. "I guess I gotta take them to camp."

"They want to stay with you Percy. Whatever you did with them made them trust you. They're going to follow you no matter what."

"Okay. See you later." I started back to my family.

"Percy, can we talk?" I looked back. She had unshed tears in her eyes. "Please." I motioned for her to follow me. "I'm sorry okay. I should have stuck by you and I feel horrible about it. We hurt you badly and your fatal flaw made it worse. I know you hate us now."

"I don't hate you." I interrupted. "It just really hurt what you guys did. I was shunned! I was treated like a monster! Do you know what that feels like?"

"No, but I know what it's like to be shunned."

"You don't." She was surprised  by my reaction. "You think you do but you don't. You had me, Annabeth, Nico. I had nobody."

"I should have known and I'm sorry. When can you forgive me?" I sighed.

"Thalia you should know I can't hold a grudge forever. Especially with someone like you. I forgave you a long time ago. I have my reasons to forgive." She smiled. "But I won't ever forget. Want to meet my pack? They could use knowing you. I spoke a lot about my past life." Thalia chuckled before following me over to my pack.

~~~Artemis's POV~~~

Thalia followed Percy. They spoke about the three girls. As Percy turned Thalia asked to talk to him. He took her out past his tent I saw her move her mouth but no words came out. Percy replied to her, but there was no sound again.

"Damn it!" I cursed. We need them to be able to trust us. I watched the conversation. Thalia looked relieved towards the end. I looked towards Percy and saw his muscles flex as he held his hand out. Thalia grabbed it and he led her back to his camp.

My blood boiled. But why was I angry? Why do u care so much about their friendship? I followed them and saw Percy introduce Thalia to the wolves. I could now hear them talking.

~~~Percy's POV~~~ (last POV for the chapter)

"You guys this is Thalia." I told the my pack mates. Leah stood in front of her mate and child protectively. Avery stood next to the girls, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Thalia." Avery spoke first. "Percy had said a lot about you." Thalia looked at me nervously.

"I'm sorry about...killing... your friends." She stumbled over killing.

"She was my mate." I heard Avery mumble. Thalia looked down at the floor. I don't think she was supposed to hear that.

"That's my grandson, Daniel." Snow passed him over to me. "

"He's adorable!" She cooed at him. He reached out curiously. He touched her hair and started to play with it. "Can I hold him?" I looked at Snow and Leah. They nodded. I told Thalia to adjust her arms a bit and I carefully placed him in her arms. He continued to play with her hair, and he gazed up at her with his big eyes.

"I feel like he's judging me." Thalia whispered.

"He just wants to know you." Avery gave her an answer immediately. "He's a baby. They're observant." While Thalia's eyes were on my grandson, Avery was gazing at her with love and longing.

Gods I hope they speak soon.

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