Chapter 21?2

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Percy's POV

Thalia and Avery have been getting closer in the past week. At least Avery is happier. I'm just worried what the hunters are planning. I see the worry in Joy's eyes when she speaks to me and my family. I can see the same in Thalia's. Artemis hasn't even spoken to me since our last meeting.

I carry Daniel over to the hunters camp so he could see Thalia. He's grown fond of the daughter of Zeus. The hunters looked at me, but there was no more disgust. There was a slight bit of mistrust. Of course with all the pranks they've been doing on the pack they must be having fun. 

Thalia took Daniel from my arms and turned around.

"Nice to see you too Pincone face." She glared at me and turned her attention bak to Daniel. I left chuckling. Leah and Snow were watching the hunters shoot.

Where is Avery? Oh there she is.

Everything was just a normal day for the hunters and werewolves. I smiled when Thalia sat down next to Avery. Daniel gurgled in her arms. He had his mothers looks. I was watching my pack interact with the hunters when that hunter Pheobe walked up to Avery and shoved her. We heard a crack as she stumbled over a log

"Get away from her!" We rushed over to them. "You stay away from our lieutenant!" Avery flinched as she got yelled at.

"You don't speak to my daughter that way!" My voice boomed over my packs growls.

"Well keep her away from us. Keep your entire pack away from us."

"We're here for a reason. We can just go. And why bring this up now!" I tried to keep my voice neutral. "Huh?"

"Keep then away from us. Take them away from our camp or I swear to god that I will shoot every single one of you!" She didn't answer my question

Thalia gasped at the threat, as did my sisters, Lacey, Maya, and my pack. Snow grabbed Daniel and Leah stood in front of them, teeth and claws bared. I brought out the two swords Hera gave me when I left. Avery whimpered behind us and tried to crawl away. She gave up and stayed on the floor. Her breathing grew heavy rapidly in the time between.

Thalia's bow was at Leah's bared teeth. The rest of the hunters had their bows drawn at us.

"You're not going to hurt anyone I love. If you start shooting then we will attack. I can kill you all in a blink of an eye, so don't try." Joy was in the back with her arrow notched down at the floor.

"Phoebe stand down!" Thalia commanded. There was no mistaking the anger in her voice. "Lady Artemis said no attacking!" Her eyes ran over us nervously.

"What orders are you following?" I asked Phoebe.

"I'm doing what I think is right!" Her movements were skittish. "Just keep your pack away from us!" I motioned for my pack to go comfort Avery. She was curled up in a ball whimpering. Her breathing was erratic and her eyes were dazed.

"I need you to not aim at us for a couple minutes." The bows were lowered and I ran to my daughter. She was flinching back at every touch that was made. A scream pierced the air forcing all of us to cover our ears.

Quickly searching her mind I knew it would take more than her family this time to take get out of this flashback. It was of one day with her foster family. Then it changed to the same night we found her.

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