Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

Something wet was nudging my arm. My eyes snapped open and I saw a small pup cuddling next to me, trying get warm. I instinctively shifted and curled around it to help. It sighed in content and fell asleep. I looked at the pup closely. She was tame, so it has to be a hunters wolf. My mind snapped and I felt a few dozen voices being sounded in my head.

Where's Chloe? Am anxious voice said.

Other answered that they didn't know. I looked down at the pup. Is she Chloe?

I think I have her. I answered to the voice. I'm not sure but I think it's her. I'm in clearing with a tree in the center.

A wolf appeared not long after that. She snarled at me but stopped when she saw the pup. She sniffed the pup to make sure it was hers. She licked her head and picked her up in her jaw.

Thank you lord.

I frowned at the formality.

No need to call me lord. Call me Percy. Her face seemed to be confused, but it's hard to tell with animals.

But you are the king? Her voice seemed questioning.

Did you call my father lord?

She shook her head.

Then there's no reason to call me that. She bowed before going away.

Damn formalities! Stupid things!

Thalia came into my view and I shifted back into a human. Her face curled up in what looked like disgust, but she looked away afterwards. Whatever! I thought to myself. I'll always be a monster to her.

"Percy, I'm sorry for my mistakes." She said. "I know I shouldn't be saying this because I shut you out, but I miss you. You're like my brother."

"Thalia!" I started, wondering what I was going to say next. "You shut me out for no reason. You've known me for years and you choose to believe an ass that you only know for a month. I never would take your things! Or like you," I paused. "like that." I finished. "I wish you guys didn't leave me alone. I was left with nothing when my parents died. I gave Lily to Artemis because I knew she would be safe. But I knew it would come with something. She doesn't know me at all. She hates me because when she meets me, she finds me screaming at her sisters and turning into a gigantic wolf..... I want her to be happy. I'm done with getting my heart broken. I'm done trying to save people who I know don't care about me."

She analyzed my face and words. Finally it clicked on how broken they had left me. Her face showed the horror in recognizing that. A roar shook the campsite and hunters fell out of the trees, shrieking. That familiar figure stomped out with an legion of monsters behind him. This dude needs to stay dead, I huffed to myself. I stood I front of the hunters protectively and I saw them charge

PertamisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora