Chapter 17

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Percy's POV

She just froze for a moment. You could almost see the gears in her head trying to figure this out.

"Say something Joy!" Avery was panicking. Her breathing became irregular. "Please!" I grabbed the inhaler from my pocket and put it to her mouth. She breathed in deeply before exhaling. I did it again.

"Joy say something. You're starting to freak me out."

"How's that possible?"

"We don't know. We're still trying to figure that out."

"Okay good night."

That's it? No arguing about this? Nothing? Joy just walked to her tent.


The first thing I smelled was meat. I followed it to see the hunters eating the deer I had caught yesterday.

I walked out and went to the stream nearby. I took off my shirt and went in. I started to play with my powers cause I was bored. After a while I got bored with that. I felt a presence behind me. Wait more than one.

I turned to see my pack and Joy watching me. I laughed at Joy's awed face. Then I remembered that I didn't have a shirt.

"Joy can you turn so I can put on my shirt?" she did as I asked. "Okay. What do you need?"

"Nothing we were just watching. We've always loved how you used your powers." That was true. The entire pack was amazed on how many powers I had.

"I've never seen a Son of Poseidon powers." She still had that awed look.

"Joy you're starting to freak me out." She apologized. "So is everybody okay? Do you need our help with anything?"

"Oh sorry! Lady Hestia said she needed to speak to you. She's in your tent." I nodded and she left.

I went over to my rent to talk to my patron.

"Percy." She gave me a hug. "Do you think you can start rescuing demigods again. I have a few who I have been watching over. They recently have been put into the system."

I stiffened. Most of the demigods I have met in the system are abused. In every way possible. Especially the girls.

"Tell me where." She told me the house and she flashed away.

There was an old house in Texas. I heard somebody yelling at another and a slap quickly followed. I raced over going slowly inside. The first thing I smelled was blood. Arousal followed after that. I followed it to a room where there was screaming. I opened the door and I snapped.

A man was touching a girl. He was probably around thirty and she was probably no older than fifteen. Another two girls were curled up in the corner. I rushed over and knocked him out with one punch. The girl was crying on the bed. The sight made my heart break. Scenes flashed through my mind. I remember when I was abused by Gabe.

I looked in her eyes. I was confused by the eyes. They weren't electric blue like Zeus. Or mischievous like Hermes. Her memories passed over me. She was sent with the others to the system. Her parents died in car crash. A look into the other girls eyes told me who their parents were.

A pair of storm gray, dark green eyes, and dull blue eyes looked up at me in fear. I picked up the clothes on the floor and carefully treaded to the unclothed girl. She didn't move to me. Instead she let out a scream. I backed up.

"It's okay. I'm here to help you." She looked at me disbelievingly. She looked skinny. Too skinny. "I swear I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Y-y-y-your lying!" She backed up and covered the other girls. They were probably a couple years younger. "Your g-g-gonna hurt us!"

"I swear I'm not. I was sent by your parents."

"They're dead." One of girl said behind her.

"My mom left my dad."

"No. They had to leave cause they were special. A law forced them to leave you. They love you."

Tears pooled in the youngest girls eyes. She looked around eight years old, and she had a darker version of dads eyes.

A daughter of Poseidon and a daughter of Athena. Powerful demigods. Their scents should have attracted a battalion of monsters by now. I'll figure that out later. But the third one didn't smell like a normal demigod. I sniffed the air to make sure. She smelled like ice.

"I swear I won't hurt you. I'm here to take you to your sister. She takes care of young girls." They took a step closer. You see the curiosity overcome fear. A sister to them could mean try we're free from the system and have a normal life. But in real life they will have anything but a normal life. If they join the hunt then they will a new home, family, along with a way of self defense against monsters. "Her name is Artemis."

"After the moon goddess." I chuckled. She was the goddess.

"What are your names?" They introduced themselves as Lacey(unknown), Maya(daughter of Athena), and Faye( daughter of Posieden).

They allowed me to walk over to them. I handed them my weapons so they could trust me. They hesitantly searched me for other weapons. They found none.

"Who are our parents?" Lacey asked. She looked happier knowing that one of her parents was alive.

"Before I tell you guys you need to listen." They sat down. "What do you know about Greek mythology?"

"You mean like Heracles, Orion, Theseus, and Jason." Maya rambled on with the myths and heroes. I let her say Heracles's name, but I stiffened at it.

"Well, the first thing you need to know is that they're all true." I expected some type of denial but they didn't say anything. "The gods and goddesses are real. The legends about heroes are mostly true but leave out quite a few things. I know who your mom is." I pointed to Maya. "Your dad." Pointing to Faye. And I'm still trying to figure out yours." I said to Lacey.

Her face dropped immediatley. Faye and Maya hugged her and told her that it was going to alright.

"How old are you guys?" I asked them.

"Sixteen." Lacey said a bit depressed.

"Fourteen." Maya answered.

"Nine." Faye answered.

I rubbed my hands together. "Don't worry Lacey. Your godly parent should claim you any day now, since you now know your a demigod."

They waited for a couple minutes hoping she would be claimed now.

"So this Artemis you're taking is too, she's the goddess of the moon, right?"

"Yup. And we don't have to rush. We can go whenever your ready. Are you guys hungry?" They nodded eagerly. "What do you want?" They asked for macaroni, pizza, chicken, and for some reason pancakes.
I snapped my fingers and food flashed in front of them. I dug into some chicken and pancakes since they were right in front of me.

"Uhhhh... Percy why is the food blue?" Faye asked. I looked at it to see that she were right. I I waved my hand over the food and it changed into its normal color. "Sorry, it's an old habit. My mom used to make blue food because it was my favorite color.

I lit a small fire outside and dumped my chicken inside it. "Whoever you are. Please claim Lacey." It smell was sweet as burned.

"So who's my mom?" Maya asked.

"Your mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy." I faced Faye. "Your dad is Poseidon, god of the seas. He's also my dad." Faye squealed and hugged me tight. "Don't  worry about your godly parent Lacey. I'm pretty sure he or she will claim you."

There is no way in freakin Hades that I'm letting them sleep in that house. I ran through the guys mind and was repulsed by everything I saw. I called the cops and they were at the house almost immediately. They arrested him after I told them he almost raped Lacey.

"I'm gonna need the girls to get them into another home." They all backed away from the cops and hid behind me and Lacey.

"They're going to stay with me." I snapped my fingers and he got a dazed face. He said goodnight and drove off with his partner. When I turned I gasped at the sigh over Lacey's head.

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