Chapter 18

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A mini blizzard was above Lacey's head. I only knew one immortal who had the domain of snow. Khione.

And she isn't very friendly to demigods or humans. I wonder who the guy was.

"What does it mean?" They asked. They were mesmerized by the symbol.

"You godly parent has claimed you. Goddess of snow, Khione." I answered. "At least I think she is. She is the only immortal  I know who has snow in their domain." I grabbed a drachma and made a rainbow. 

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Khione at Boreas palace." The rainbow shifted showing the snow goddess yelling at her brothers. "Khione!" I yelled at her.

She stopped and looked at me. She waved her brothers away and faced me.

"Perseus." She had a worried expression. "What do you need?" Her cold demeanor was gone, replaced by a caring one.

"I wanted to know if you claimed a demigod recently." Her face lit up.

"Yes. Her name is Lacey! Do you know her?!" I told Lacey to get in front of me. "Hi Lacey."

Lacey stood shocked. Khione reached out as if to touch her daughter, but her hand went through Lacey.

"I'm so sorry Lacey. I'm sorry for everything you've been through. I couldn't interfere with mortal lives. I wanted to keep you." The goddess was crying. "Your father left me for some whore and he took you when I had to meet with my father."

"C-can I meet you. In person I mean." She stuttered at first. She was determined to meet her mother.

"Yes! Of course. I'll be there right now." She waved her hand and the Iris message dissolved. There was a flash behind us and she was there.

She ran over to us, almost tripping over her own feet. I held in a laugh and she glared at me as she passed. She picked up Lacey and spun her around. 

I smiled. Khione was bitter back during the war. Maybe her daughter can fix that. She looks  so carefree right now. 

"Thank you Perseus." Her face was radiant with joy. "I don't know how I'll  be able to repay you." I shook my head.

"No need. Just stay in touch with your daughter. I know immortals can't stay with mortals for very long and you're  still on the councils bad side since the war. I was gonna take all three of them to Artemis."

"The man hater!" She spat.

I glared at her. "They can decide if they want to join the hunt. If they do I'll make sure that they are treated right. I'm the guardian, so I can keep thing in check."

Khione calms down a bit.
"And if they don't."

"I'll drop them off at camp. I can have some of my pack watch over them. They will be fine either way." She studied me for a moment.

"Okay." She turned to Lacey. "I'll see you soon. Goodbye daughter. Close your eyes." We all closed our eyes an she flashed away. 

"Let's go meet Artemis." Faye said, not understanding any part of the conversation. I think she only understood one thing. And that was that Lacey found her mother.

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