Chapter 13

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Avery's POV

I carried Daniel back to camp. The wolves growled, but bowed in submission when they recognized us.

"Pack meeting!" Percy yelled. Wolves ran out and phased back to their human form. When they had clothes on we sat in a circle with Percy at the head. "There is a war coming." He started. "And I know you guys don't want to but we're going to help the gods."

Nobody protested. They all knew what would happen if they went against him. He was alpha, and even if he didn't abandon us or punish us, his disappointment was hard on all of us. Everybody wanted to please him because he had the aura of a leader. His past made us want to prove ourselves even more. We aren't his old family. We won't leave him like they did. He is like our father and protecter, and we value family because of him. His story of loss went to many in the monster world and many feared him. He's a monsters worst nightmare. When we have nothing to do, we hunt monsters. We send demigods to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter. He is respected and we will support him no matter what.

Wait a minute.

"Alpha, how do you know of a war?" Christian asked the question that was on all our minds. Percy sighed.

"First of all I'm not your alpha. I'm your brother. I don't want to rule over you and have you guys submit to me. You guys have your free will."

"And we choose to call you alpha." Leah spoke. She normally is quiet, but since Percy came she's been more open.

"It's one on my powers as a champion. I was blessed by a few gods before I left. Hera and Hestia's blessings helped me the most. You all know that Hera is the goddess of family and marriage. Her blessing gives me the ability to go through a persons memories at will. Earlier this week while I was gone a few wolves, as you know came after. Danny and Miley were shot down at first, and Alisha was shot today at the hunters camp." His voice was broken at the thought of us dying for him. "Alisha was a soldier for a god. The creator, Chaos. He wanted to make a team of elite soldiers to help us against this new enemy." He beckoned for me to come forward. "Alisha was pregnant and gave birth before she died. She named him Daniel, after his father."

Daniel squirmed in my arms as if he could feel the eyes on him.

"Would anyone like to care for him while this time passes?" His voice was formal. "I know a few of you are unable to have children, please."

"We'll take him." A feminine voice said. Snow and Leah stepped forward. Leah is transgender and Snow is a female. They are good people and have always wanted a boy, but Leah has recently discovered about an illness that prevents her from having children. Even if Snow got pregnant, they were told there would be a high chance the baby would die. And Leah doesn't want Snow to morn if that happens. "They were our best friends and practically our brother and sister. We'll take him. We'll make sure he'll remember his parents name." Percy nodded his head.

"I need to go back to the hunters camp now." The pack protested." I swore that I would always go back. Plus, my little sisters in the hunt." They agreed to let him go after much complaint, but with a condition. Two of us are going with him. I obviously said I was because Thalia.

The hole in my chest burned as I spent more time away from her. Does she feel the bond?

"What about Leah, so she can take Daniel. I know you want to take care of him too Percy." Snow said. Leah looked pained.

"She's your mate. You shouldn't do that. You know what might happen!"

"Come with us!" I blurted out. "You need to get to know him too Leah." Percy nodded with me. Leah agreed.

Off we go to the hunters. A smile found its way to my face.

Off to my mate.

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