Still not an update but please read!

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Sssssooooooo........ I know I haven't updated and I promise to try and update within the next week or 2. I've been busy with work and projects and I've had a bit of writers block for all of my stories.

Anyways. I was just going through different ships in different series of books, movies, and tv shows. And them I started thinking of different ways of doing relationships. As my profile says I am bisexual. I was thinking about Percy being a girl and what that would do to the series and stuff and it popped into my head that I could put Percy as a girl and have a growing relationship with  Artemis, first as a friendship and then romantic.

I never actually thought about those kind of stories and the idea of a fem Percy and Artemis kind of fascinate  me. Never actually read any of those stories. So I looked it up and was sorta surprised that there were a lot of them.

At least I know I'm not a wierd mind. At least not completely.

So I was wondering if anybody wanted me to do a story like that since there are a lot of Percy Jackson fans. More specifically pertamis shippers.

Sorry about any grammar errors if there is any.

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