These Hormones...

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Thank you guys for reading. Again I'm not a writer so bare with me.


Roberts POV

For the last 2 hours of shift, I noticed that Andy's eyes followed me wherever I went, like I was her prey but at the same time it seems like she's been avoiding me. I know she's still upset and probably frustrated from this morning but I just couldn't give her what she wanted.

I woke up to the feeling of my wife's face and body pressed against my back. I could feel her breath in the middle of my back and she had one leg intertwined with my legs. I slowly twisted my body, trying not to wake her. As I turned around, I could see my beautiful, naked, wife sleeping peacefully. Ever since she hit her 2nd trimester, she gets really hot at night and can't sleep with any clothes on. She also can't sleep without laying on me, against me or wrapped in my arms.

I got to bed before her last night, which is why she was snuggled with her face in my back. I looked at the time and the clock read 5:30 A.M. I realized we only had 30 min to get up and get to the station before we'd be late to work. I gently woke her up by stroking her back and placing kisses on her face. One to her forehead, her eyelid, and by the time I got to her check, I saw a smile begin to form on her face but she made no move to open her eyes. I gave one more kiss to the spot on her neck, right under her ear that she loves so much and I heard a moan escape her lips causing a huge grin to form on my face.

Robert - Mmm, good morning baby
Andy - Good morning

I leaned in for a good morning kiss and she attempted to take it further. Stealing a glance at the clock again, I saw that we now have 15 min to get ready and leave.

Robert - Crap! Andy, we have to get up now or we're going to be late, just grab your bag, get dressed, we'll shower and eat at the station!

I flew out of the bed and quickly started getting dressed

Andy - Why did you let me sleep for so long?!
Robert - I didn't mean to! I woke up late, then you looked so peaceful that I kind of got lost admiring you
Andy - Well since we're already possibly late, might as well...

I heard the smug, mischievous smile begin to form on her face and I couldn't stop the wide grin as I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I felt bad because I knew what she was suggesting but we can't or we'd be late

Robert - Baby, as much as I'd like to, we can't, or else we will be REALLY late

I looked over and at my wife and as she was sitting up in our bed, I noticed tears begin to form in her eyes. I walked over to her, kneeled down in front of her and lifter her chin so I could look her in the eye. I wiped away the lonely tear that escaped her eye.

Robert - Babe, I'm sorry but we have to go to work, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings
Andy - I know, it's not your fault, it's these hormones, although technically it is your fault, you're the reason I'm having these hormonal issues

Good thing is the teary eyes dried up but she began to get frustrated. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes and focusing her gaze at me.

Andy - Robert, what am I going to do about my breakfast, you know B shift was on shift last. We probably don't have any fruit at the station for you to make my smoothie.

Aaanndd now the tears are back. It's crazy how much this pregnancy has put my poor wife through. It's sent her on an emotional rollercoaster and at times I want to take the pain away and at times I want to laugh when she cries at things like us not being able to have sex but I've done that before and let's just say that's a mistake I will NEVER make again. The one thing that I love about her hormones is she always wants to have sex. I mean it's great for me because I can't get enough of my wife. Also, I have to make her a smoothie every morning for her to eat for breakfast. For some reason if she eats anything else, she gets sick, but I'm not complaining, I love making my smoothies. She complains that she has to drink them instead of having her cereal but I know deep down she loves it because she doesn't cry whenever I remind her that she can't. All of a sudden I hear my wife calling me.

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