Growing Belly

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R - Babe?

Again no answer. I then looked up and saw that she was fast asleep. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed my phone. I sent a text in the group chat to let everyone know that we are pushing the hangout back for an hour. Everyone quickly responded that it's okay with them while Dean said it was perfect because Pru just went down for her nap. I set my alarm for 45 min and began talking to my baby girl.

Robert - Hi, my mini Andy. This is your daddy. I can't wait to see you in a few months. I know you're going to be as beautiful as your mommy and the way you have taken over my wife during this pregnancy, I'm sure you'll have her feisty attitude. Also, when you get here, we're going to have a discussion about what you've put mommy through. You have to be nice to her, princess. She will do anything for you and that's including take all of the crap she gotten during this pregnancy. We love you so much.

I gave her belly a kiss and quickly dozed off. I woke up to my alarm going off, I woke Andy.

Robert - Wake up, babe. We have to get ready
Andy - Okay. I'm up.

I gave her a kiss on her belly then leaned in for a kiss.

Robert - We need to shower.

She looked at me with a suggestive grin on her face

Robert - I know what you're thinking and we don't have time for that

Andy - Okay.

She dropped her head and got in the shower. I followed her and opened the shower door and got in and she was leaned against the wall, facing me, eyes closed and rubbing her belly. I just couldn't help myself. My wife looked so beautiful and sexy. My body immediately reacted to the sight in front of me.

Andy - Robert, I can feel you staring at me
Robert - Sorry, I just can't help it.

I stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear

Robert - You are so beautiful

She looked up at me and before she could respond I smashed my lips to hers and quickly slipped my tongue into her mouth. I grabbed her ass and brought her closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I quickly picked her up and pushed her back against the wall. I wasted no time and immediately slid into her. She began sucking on my neck. It didn't take long for us to both reach our climax. I held her for a moment allowing us both to catch our breaths. I put her down on the floor and she leaned in for a kiss

Andy - Thank you for that
Robert - I should be thanking you
Andy - Pretty soon we won't be able to do that
Robert - Oh, we will find a way.

I smirked and gave her another kiss. We then washed our bodies and I washed my wife's hair. She got out, wrapped her self and her hair in a towel. I turned the water off and as I stepped out of the shower, she was standing there waiting with my towel. I quickly lotioned my body and got dressed while Andy did her hair. I made my way downstairs and started making pasta for today and got out a few snacks.

Andy's POV

I decided to just blow-dry my hair and leave in its natural state. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had 3 hickies on my neck. I made a mental note to cover them when I did my make up. I went to get dressed but everything I put on was uncomfortable and none of my jeans tend to button. I got really frustrated. I sat on the bed in tears, hating the fact that I'm getting fat. I looked in our closet and the only thing I could fit were dresses and I didn't want to wear a dress. I decided to walk over to Robert's dresser and picked out a nice t-shirt, I grabbed a pair of my shorts and got dressed... I was finally comfortable.

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