Secret Talks with Luke

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Here's a very short update for you guys. Just a little something to hold you guys over until I get everything back on track. Enjoy. 😊


Nobody's POV

Everyone at the house relaxed and made light conversation here and there, having a few beers. They danced a little and after Andy got a little tired, she went over to her bed swing that Robert hung for her. Lucas went over and they started a conversation about how everything is going. Since Jennifer doesn't have any kids, this is his first niece/nephew and he was excited and also a little protective over Andy now almost as much as he was Vic.

Andy - Hey, Luke what's up!
Lucas - Nothing much. Just came over to see how my favorite pregnant lady is doing, you know, after what happened earlier.
Andy - I'm doing great thanks to my husband
Lucas - Oh, I could tell just by looking at his neck

Lucas said with a laugh! Andy then playfully shoved him in his chest

Andy - So you did see?
Lucas - How could I not?
Andy - Yeah, when I saw, I was wondering the same thing but no one said anything.
Lucas - They either didn't see or they are afraid to say something. Eventhough, we've become a part of this close knit family at 19, the "friends" part still needs some tweaking. They're still a little afraid of him and by the way he talked to them earlier, I don't see that easing up anytime soon. So, yeah, I'd say that they ignored it. I just decided to let it go. Plus, there's no need in teasing you guys about it anymore. Robert and I have talked and I know you guys can't help yourselves. You guys need all of the alone time you can get because once this baby comes...
Andy - What do you mean "by the way he talked to them"? Where was I when this happened?
Lucas - This was after your breakdown. Robert warned us not to say anything about how you were dressed and as you can see, they didn't listen. When he came downstairs to get you some water and food, he went in full blown protective husband mode and made them apologize. You didn't hear it from me but you'll be getting that from them soon, including my wife.
Andy - So, that's what took him so long. How did I not hear him? When he gets like that, he usually gets loud.
Lucas - Oh, he almost did. He was trying to stay quiet so you didn't hear but you didn't hear that from me. By the way, do you know what you're having yet?
Andy - Yes, we found out early this morning.
Lucas - I didn't know you guys had an appointment today.
Andy - We didn't. Robert didn't tell you what happened?
Lucas - Oh, that!

Andy nodded her head, the both of them understanding what each other was talking about.

Lucas - Yes he told me. So you found out then?
Andy - Yes and I'm dying to tell someone so if I tell you, you have to promise me not to tell Vic. You know she can't keep a secret.
Lucas - I promise.
Andy - I don't want to say it out loud because, you know, there are ears around that hear everything they shouldn't but you know how you always tell Robert that as protective as he is over me, you hope he never has a daughter?
Lucas - Yeah because that little girl would have him wrapped ar- Noooo! No way!

He said it a little too loud because it caught the attention of everyone.

Travis - Do you guys mind sharing, we'd like to know!

She didn't understand how it kept happening but again she quickly came up with a lie on the spot... and they believed her.

Andy - It's nothing, I was just telling him what I was planning for Robert's birthday
Travis - Ooh tell us!
Andy - No, especially not with blabber mouth over there!
Vic - Hey!
Maya - C'mon Vic, everyone knows you can't keep a secret.

They continued on with their conversation. Once Lucas and Andy knew for sure that they were no longer listening they continued with their conversation.

Lucas - Sorry, I got a little excited but I'm so happy for you two. And Andy, how did you do that?
Andy - Do what?
Lucas - Make up a lie so quickly. That's the second time today. As your boss, I have to say, I'm watching you.

They both began laughing

Andy - I don't know. Usually I'm terrible at hiding things and lying but lately they've just been coming out.

Andy took a second to think about what Lucas said as she mumbled to herself, repeating his words.

Andy - How did you know I was telling a lie earlier?
Lucas - I know Robert's tells and with hanging out with you guys more and more, I'm learning yours too.
Andy - Well, I'm glad no one else knows.
Lucas - Well, I'm going to go get some snacks. I'm hungry. Do you want anything?
Andy - Just a water and can you give me a small push, please?
Lucas - Anything for my sis

Luke pushed the bed and made his way inside. That was all she remembered before she was awaken by kisses and Robert's large hands on her small bump.


I'm going to go back to the guys conversation in the car. It will be a separate part. Going to try having everything updated and get this out to you by tomorrow... no promises though

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