The "Parent" Shower

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Got a long one for you. It would've been ready over an hour ago but I was interrupted by my roommate asking me to help her with a bug. But here it is. I hope you guys like it! Picks up after the last chapter.


After getting ready, Robert received a text saying that the baby shower had been moved to the Ripley's house because C shift was on duty and they didn't want to be around them so Andy and Robert made their way over to the house.

Andy - What do you think they decided to do for the baby shower since they don't know the gender?
Robert - I have no clue. I don't know much about these things so I wouldn't even know where to begin on planning a baby shower like this.
Andy - I told them they didn't have to. I mean we pretty much have everything we need but Vic insisted
Robert - You know them. 19 is your family
Andy - OUR family
Robert - Right, OUR family and they aren't going to let you miss any milestones in your life. The same way they threw us the surprise anniversary party and bought all of those gifts for our 2 year anniversary since they weren't there when we got married.
Andy - Yeah, that's them
Robert - That's you too.

Andy looked over at Robert, silently asking him to elaborate

Robert - My birthday when we first finally got together, right before we got married. I kept telling you I didn't want to do anything and I didn't want a gift but I came home to a brand new suit and you made reservations to one of the most expensive and fancy restaurants in the city.
Andy - Well, it was your birthday and that day was-
Robert & Andy - too important not to celebrate it

Andy glared at Robert as a smirk grew on Robert's face

Andy - Well, you enjoyed it, didn't you?
Robert - I did and as I told you that day, that was the first time I ever had someone celebrate me and force me to celebrate for myself
Andy - I will always celebrate you, especially your birthday. Without you, I wouldn't be as happy as I am and I wouldn't be carrying our baby girl. And Robert you're no different. Last valentine's day, I told you I just wanted to stay home and watch movies all night on the couch-
Robert - And we did
Andy - Babe, you had Maya give me 3 days off and took me away for the weekend.
Robert - But we still spent valentine's day on the couch, watching movies all night. We just happened to do it 5 hours away from home
Andy - Well I guess we are all this way then.
Robert - I guess we are. Let's go inside.

They gave each other a peck on the lips and made their way inside. As they opened the door, cheers erupted from everyone. Along with team, Luke, Miranda, Meredith, Pru and Carina were all at the baby shower.

Vic - Wow, you look like you're about to pop!
Andy - Thanks Vic
Vic - Anytime!
Andy - So what did you guys decide to do for this baby shower?
Maya - Well, since you guys are holding out on us, we decided to do a parent shower.
Robert - A parent shower?
Vic - Yes. It will still have games a baby shower has but it's more for you guys... well now that I think of it, it's still a baby shower... 19 style. Let's get this party started!
Maya - We asked Andy a few questions last week and everyone has to write down their answers and whoever guess the most questions right wins a prize so here you go Sullivan and I will take Andy to her seat.

They had rented 2 chairs that looked like thrones. One was for Mommy and daddy. The theme was "All Hail the Parents" the living room was decorated as the dining hall of a palace. Andy and Robert's cups were plastic chalices with "mom" and "dad" on their cups. Maya showed Andy to her seat and Vic took Robert's paper and showed him to his seat. The questions were:
1. What age did Andy know she wanted to be a firefighter?
2. What did Andy think she'd do as a career before she decided on firefighter.
3. What is Andy's favorite thing to do off duty?
4. What has Andy craved the most during her pregnancy?
5. Where is Andy's birthmark located?
6. At what age did Andy win her first salsa competition?
7. What animal is Andy the most terrified of?

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