Sexually Frustrated

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Nobody's POV

The day was really slow. There was one big fire for all units that also called for the Battion Cheif and 3 aid car calls. This shift was only a 12 hour shift and they only had 3 hours left. Lucas had come to the station around lunch time before he and Robert needed to be at headquarters for their department meeting. Robert drove Andy's car to drop it off at the shop and from there, Lucas drove them both to their meeting. Initially Andy's car was supposed to be ready tomorrow but there was a cancelation and the mechanic determined that it needed a quick fix and since Robert showed up in his uniform, the mechanic decided to bump him to that spot. As Robert and Lucas walked out of the door from their meeting, Robert received a call letting him know that the car was ready. Robert was looking forward to driving home with Andy but decided this way, he might be able to get a head start and surprise Andy when she gets home.


Robert's POV

I walked in the station from my meeting to see Andy at the desk, she looked like she finally calmed down so I approached her.

Robert- Hey babe. How's your day been? I haven't seen you since this morning.
Andy - It's been okay
Robert - Just okay?
Andy - YES, Robert. JUST okay.

Just when I thought she was okay, Andy replied with an attitude. I propped myself in front of her on the desk and gently caressed her face.

Robert - Okay, Andy what's wrong?

She slightly moved her head away from my hand.

Andy - I'm frustrated, Robert! I was finally feeling okay then you waltz back into the station and I just want to rip your clothes off and have sex right here at the reception desk or on top of the Engine or on your desk, the roof, anywhere!

She paused for a moment trying to collect herself. I could see her trying not to cry. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, provide some sort of comfort but I was sure that would make it worse so I just kept my hands to myself.

Robert - Andrea, I'm sorry.

Crap! I shouldn't have said her name like that. One night while we were laying in our bed in the afterglow, my wife confessed that whenever I call her by her government name, she is immediately turned on and I vowed to never use it during an argument because it would cloud her thoughts. I should've vowed to not use it at work when we can't do anything about it either. She closed her eyes again and clenched her fist.

Andy - Robert, please just go back to your office because you're making it worse

I didn't want to say anything else so I followed my wife's request and turned to go into my office. As I approached the bottom of the stairs, I remembered about her car. I walked back to the desk and let her know.

Robert - Andy, I know I keep making it worse but we won't be able to ride home together.

Tears immediately began to stream down her face. If I didn't have another meeting to prepare for, I would just given in just to make my wife feel better.

Andy - What?! No, Robert!
Robert - I'm sorry babe. They ended up working on your car during my meeting and it was ready after the meeting. Here's your keys.

I handed her the car keys, gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked away but not before letting her know that I love her

Andy - I love you too

Hearing that, I smiled to myself and headed towards my office.

Nobody's POV

An hour had gone by. She had been sitting at the front desk and because of her hormones, she'd take a glance to Robert's office and get angry and upset all over again. Her glances did not go unnoticed by her husband. He wanted so badly to fix the problem but with them being so late, he was behind on his work. At one point, Andy started to get hungry so she went to the beanery and fixed a sandwich. At that moment,, Robert was ready to give in. He got up and opened his door to call her up but when he looked down at reception she wasn't there. He went back in his office.

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