She's here

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After checking Andy, Carina had a shocking look on her face causing panic in both Robert and Andy.

Carina - Okay. Wow!
Robert - What?! What's wow?!

Carina was in shocked.

Carina - Well I guess, she didn't want to wait. She's here.
Andy & Robert - WHAT?!
Carina - Andy you're crowning.
Robert - I thought you said 2 hours! It hasn't even been 30 minutes yet.
CRina - This is why I'm shocked! Baby girl waits on no one's time clock. Okay mama, on the next contraction, I need you to push. Just like we practiced in the birthing classes.

Immediately after Carina finished speaking, Andy had a contraction. She pushed, using her husband as leverage. Everything happened so quickly.

Robert - I can see the top of her head!

Their baby girl was half way out with a full head of hair.

Carina - Good Mama! One more and you will have your baby girl!
Robert - You've got this baby!

Andy gave one more push and their baby girl was there. She was so small with a head full of dark curly hair and a strong set of lungs. Carina placed their baby girl on Andy's chest. As soon as she made contact Baby Sullivan immediately stopped crying.

Robert - Look at her. She's so beautiful and more than I ever expected. You did it, Andy. I'm so proud of you.
Andy - Hey baby girl! It's mami and papi. We love you so much.

Andy and Robert were in awe of their beautiful daughter. Andy was so mesmerized that she didn't even notice Carina still finishing up. They both forgot she was even in the room. Carina let them have their moment before taking the baby back.

Carina - Alright. Papa, would you like to do the honors?

Robert looked up at Carina with tears in his eyes. Seeing the scissors in her had, he knew exactly what she was asking. He was so emotional tbat he could only answer with a nod of his head. He got up and cut the umbilical chord. Carina went to grab the portible scale and weighed and measured her. She checked to make sure everything was okay and handed her back to Andy.

Carina - Baby Sullivan is 3.24 kg and 44 cm. Everything checks out fine. And it looks like someone is ready to eat.

Carina noticed as the baby started to get fussy. Carina showed Andy how to hold her to breast feed and she immediately found Andy's nipple and latched on.

Robert - I thought you said it could take time for her to figure it out.
Carina - A lot of babies do but she didn't need any help.
Andy - Is it supposed to hurt for long?
Carina - It can be a little uncomfortable so like we discussed you can try it out and if it's too painful we can switch her to 100 % formula
Robert - How bad does it hurt?
Andy - Not bad, it's more uncomfortable.
Robert - You are both so beautiful.

Robert noticed Andy begin to fall asleep and the baby was done feeding. Robert took over and changed her and tried burping her. He sat down next to Andy doing skin to skin with the baby until she fell asleep. He was so enamored by her. Although her birth was over due, he still couldn't believe she was here. As Carina walked back in the room, Robert looked up at her. He wasn't used to doing this but he really needed help so he asked for it.

Robert - Can you help me swaddle her? I want to go show her to the team.
Carina - Of course!

Carina took the blanket out of their bag and laid it on the bed. As soon as Robert took the baby off of his chest, she started crying, waking Andy.

Andy - Is she okay?
Carina - She's fine, she was just a little upset because we moved her from her comfortable spot on Papa's chest.

As Carina helped Robert, they heard a knock on the door.

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