I Think I Got Blood On Your Fruit

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Andy was almost 40 weeks into her pregnancy. She was 2 weeks past her due date and if you were to ask her how she was feeling, irritated would be an understatement...

Robert needed to come in to grab some paperwork and refused to leave Andy at home in fear that she would go into labor while he wasn't home. As Robert went into his office Andy headed to the beanery to grab a snack.

Vic - Herrera in the house!
Jack - I can't believe you're still pregnant

Jack said as he laughed. That was until Andy gave him a death stare.

Vic - Bless your child. That stare is going to make them pee their pants
Andy - Shut up Vic and yes! I'm still pregnant
Vic - Well, someone's cranky
Andy - You would be cranky if your baby refused to come out. I feel like my skin has stretched way past its limit. You know they say that women's bodies are made for this but I think that's to a certain point and I'm pretty sure I've passed that point a long time ago.

Andy sat down in one of the empty chairs at the table propping her feet up on Travis lap since he was the one she was facing.

Travis - Yes, you can rest your feet in my lap. Thanks Trav... You're welcome Andy
Maya - Oh my gosh, Travis give her a break. Andy why don't you just induce, I mean you are at that point, right? I mean you're at what? 39/40 we-

Everyone just stared at Maya, surprised that she'd know that information.

Maya - What? Don't look at me like that. When you live with an OB, you learn some things.
Andy - I don't want to. I want to have her naturally. I want this entire process to be natural unless it is medically necessary. Carina told me some things that could help me and I've tried all of them except one and MY HUSBAND WON'T DO THE LAST ONE!

Andy yelled to make sure Robert could hear her.

Andy - I swear if I have to go another day before my water breaks, I just might set him on fire, then tell Carina to go ahead and induce me, then put him out so he's there when our baby is born. She's already given me a deadline.
Vic - That wasn't violent.

Travis leaned over to wisper in Vic's ear

Travis - Do you think she'll be less scary after her baby is born?
Andy - You do know I can still hear you, right?
Dean - Well, what does he have to do? Maybe we can help.
Andy - He just needs to have sex with me but MY HUSBAND IS BEING A PUNK!

She yelled again to make sure he also hear that part. The statement causing all of the guys to become uncomfortable.

Dean - Yup... no... can't help you there and... I don't think I need to be here for this conversation so I'm just going to go do chores. You coming Jack?
Jack - Right behind you.
Ben - Hey, I may be a doctor and have pretty much heard it all but that doesn't mean I want to be here for this conversation. Don't leave me in here with them!

Andy continued, ignoring the guys. She's pretty much used to it at this point.

Andy - He keeps saying "It could hurt the baby" or "What if the baby feels it?" Carina's already said it's okay, I mean she suggested it.
Travis - Oh wha-I thin-I think Jack is calling me. Sounds like he may need my help. I'M COMING JACK! Well, you ladies have a great conversation...

Travis said as he began to get up.

Andy - Wait, Travis. Where are you going? Your legs are comfortable and I didn't hear Jack call you.
Travis - Oh, you didn't hear him? I think he said it in a tone where only people who aren't pregnant can hear it. How about I just call the cheif to take my place?

Travis politely picked up Andy's feet and sat them in the chair as he stood up. He rushed out of the room and called for Robert causing a confused look on Andy's face and causing Maya and Vic to laugh.

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