How to Relax

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Hi guys! Another update for you.

This gets mature in the middle.


As Andy's pregnancy had progressed, over half of her wardrobe did not fit and the other was just uncomfortable and made her irritable. Her attire at home consisted of Robert's t-shirts and sometimes panties and if they went out anywhere, her attire mainly consisted of a sundress dress or one of Robert's shirts that she was able to pull off as a t-shirt dress. Over the past few days, Andy no longer bothered to put on panties because even those started to irritate her.

One day, Robert came home from a meeting and Andy was laid out on the couch, which is where Robert always found her waiting for him to come home. She still wasn't able to have a good night's rest without Robert but he was glad that she was able to have a nap without him. As much as he loved to cuddle with his wife, he didn't always feel like laying down when she was tired. She was laid on her back, asleep. One hand rested above her head and the other rested low on her belly. One leg was bent and the other was hanging off of the couch. She had a paper towel spread on her belly with what Robert assumed were cookie crumbs.

Robert smiled at the sight in front of him. He took off his shoes and walked over to Andy, giving her a kiss on her forehead and walked into the kitchen to get a water. He was standing at the kitchen counter admiring everything about her and noticed that she had on no underwear. He realized that a few days ago when they undressed each other for some late night shower sex, he didn't remove her underwear before the got in. He made a mental note to talk to her about it. He wasn't bothered by it at all. In fact, he'd prefer her naked and he's even voiced that opinion to her numerous times. He was just curious. After finishing his water, he walked over to her grabbing the paper towel off of her belly, he threw it away and went upstairs to their bedroom. He changed out of his uniform and threw on some sweat pants. He didn't bother with a shirt. He began to make his way back down to Andy but not before making his way to the nursery as he did everyday, just imagining his princess growing up in this room.

He left the room and made his way back downstairs and over to Andy. He slid in between her and the back of the couch, placing his hand on her belly. He kissed her cheek partially waking her. She turned her head toward him and placed a kiss on his lips.

Andy - You're back.
Robert - I'm back. Want to go up to bed? It might be more comfortable
Andy - No, this is okay. Besides, I'm awake now.

She said now fully awake letting out a slight giggle.

Robert - How has she been while I was gone?
Andy - She's been her usual self. Little busy body
Robert - Just like mommy.
Andy - I am not a busy body
Robert - Okay miss "I needed something to do so I decided to put together a changing table and put myself in the hospital"
Andy - Okay, maybe I am a busy body but I can't help it. At least I'm trying. The hospital visit kind of scared me. I just don't really know how to relax. I've never even taken off from work. Not really, anyway. I mean we never even went on a honeymoon. We got married and went to work the next day like one of the best moments of our lives didn't just happen.
Robert - It scared me too and I see that you are trying, you're still not resting and relaxing as much as I'd like but you are trying and that's all I can ask for. Sometime after baby Sullivan is born, I'm going to take you on a vacation somewhere nice. You just make a list of what you want it to consist of and I'll make it happen.
Andy - That would be amazing.

She leaned into him asking for a kiss and he accepted. After pulling away and laying her head back down she began to play with Robert's fingers, something that she did when she was nervous or deep in thought.

Robert - What are you thinking about?

Andy let out a small laugh.

Andy - Relaxing. How do you relax?
Robert - This, right here, is relaxing. It's probably my favorite way to relax. Just me, you and her. I'm going to miss rubbing your belly.
Andy - Me too. What are other ways you relax?
Robert - Well, you know. I read, my smoothies, holding you in my arms and sex. Sex is always relaxing.
Andy - Mmm. Sex helps me relax too

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