Just Breathe

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Hi guys! I don't have much to say but this is in continuation of "Finally Home". I hope you like it.


During this time, Robert was down stairs making them something to eat and after an hour of Andy not coming back down, he figured she probably fell asleep, as that's been happening more often lately, so he just let her be. Just as he was cleaning up the kitchen he heard a loud noise. He dropped everything and rushed upstairs.

Robert - Babe?! What was that?!

He went into their bedroom only to find it empty.

Robert - Andy where are you?!

As he listened for her, he heard crying coming from the baby's room. He rushed in, almost freezing as he saw her laying in the floor with the changing table on top of her.

Robert - Babe! It's okay. I've got you.

He lifted the changing table off of her

Andy - Robert. It hurts
Robert - It's okay, don't move. I'm going to go get my phone. Just don't move

He rushed downstairs and grabbed Andy's phone, as it's the first one he saw, and rushed back upstairs calling 911.

Robert - Hi, I need an ambulance to my home. My wife is 26 weeks pregnant and a something has fallen on top of her. She is in a lot of pain
911 operator - Okay sir. They will be there in 8 minutes
911 operator - Sir, I suggest you wait for the ambulance.
Robert - Sir, I'm a Seattle firefighter and Battalion cheif. Do not send anyone to my house!

Robert hung up and called the first person that came to mind

Robert - Ben! Is the aid car or PRT out on a call? I need you, now. RIGHT NOW, WARREN!
Ben - Slow down. Wait. Do I hear crying? Is that Andy?
Robert - Yes! I-something-th-a table, I- think fell on her and-
Ben - You don't have to say anything else sir. We just finished with a call. I'm on my way!

Ben hung up the phone and Robert tended to Andy.

Robert - Baby, where does it hurt?
Andy - Everywhere. Robert what if I hurt her? I knew I shouldn't have done this by myself. I just needed something to do. Robert what if I killed our baby?!

Andy began to cry even more and started to hyperventilate. Robert wanted to just hold her in his arms. That always got her to calm down but since he didn't know if her neck or back was injured, he knew he couldn't do that so he took a deep breath to calm himself and began talking to her.

Robert - Andy? Baby look at me. Try and breathe with me.

He took a deep breath and held her hand. She started to look away

Robert - No, babe, look at me and just breathe.

He placed one of his hands on her belly and could feel the baby kicking and he smiled. He carefully placed the hand that he was holding on her belly for Andy to feel.

Robert - Close your eyes and just breath.
Andy - Robert, it hurts and what if she's not okay?
Robert - I know it hurts baby but just close your eyes and feel.

Andy was so freaked out and was focused on her pain that she couldn't feel her baby kicking. Because of this she couldn't understand why her husband was telling her to feel when her entire body was in pain. She reluctantly did what he said and after a few seconds he spoke up.

Robert - You feel that?

She was still crying because she was in pain but she was feeling more of what Robert had been trying to focus her attention to. She quickly looked at Robert and a smile grew on her face and for a moment, she could feel no pain.

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