Ignoring the Pain

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Andy's POV
I had been up moving around, cleaning the station all day.. I couldn't go out on calls and felt like I needed to do something, something other than just sit at the desk and wait for a walk in. After hours of Robert following behind me, nagging me to lay down and rest, I finally caved in. I actully wouldn't really call it "caving in". My feet were hurting so after lunch Dean took over desk duty for me until a call came in so I could rest. I laid down in the lounge. I really needed a foot rub from my husband but I could never tell him that he was right. That just meant I had to lay there... in pain. I closed my eyes and then heard Maya lightly giggle. I opened one eye and looked over to her.

A - What's so funny?
M - You and your stubbornness! That's what!

I then closed my eye and began rubbing my belly to try calming myself. The pain was really starting to get to me. I took a deep breath.

A - I am not being stubborn. What do you want?
M - Okay, hot mama. Since you won't just tell your husband that your feet hurt because you're too stubborn to admit that he may have been right, I'll come give you a foot rub.

I opened my eyes and looked over to Maya as she walked towards the couch. How did she even know that my feet hurt?

M - And before you ask, I can read you like A book right now. So come on, move your feet so I can sit.
A - I hate you.
M - I hate you too. Now give me those feet.

I put my feet on Maya's lap and she startled me with a gasp.

A - Maya what?!
A - No they aren't, they just hurt... A LOT
M - No! Andy look at this! How long have your feet been hurting?!
A - I don't know! Maybe an hour.
M - Try 3. About 3 hours ago you started to slow down.
A - Okay, maybe 3... or 4.

Apparently Robert had been standing at the door listening to the conversation.

R - 4 hours!
M - Uh oh! Someone's in troubleee
R - I knew you were hurting. I should've pushed more for you to sit down. Andy why would you put yourself through that?! You have to listen to your body!

With these stupid hormones and the pain I was in. Robert yelling at me just made the damn break and I started sobbing.

Robert's POV

I didn't mean to raise my voice at her. It's just - I was just so baffled that she has been in pain this entire time. I've been telling her to sit down and not over do it since she started cleaning and I know exactly when her feet started to hurt. I'm mad at her for being so stubborn and I'm mad at myself for not forcing her to sit down. Well, who am I kidding? I can't force her to do anything. I mean, I'm married to a Herrera for goodness sake but one thing that my wife and I can go head to head with is our stubbornness. I should've used that. Thankfully Maya was there to at least help her by massaging her feet. I crouched down to her and gently ran my fingers through her hair.

R - Aw baby. Don't cry. I'm sorry for raising my voice but Andy you have to listen to your body when it's telling you to slow down. I know it may seem like I'm trying to boss you around but I just want to keep our baby safe but more importantly, I want to keep my wife safe. We can't have this baby without you.

She then uncovered her face and the buried her face into my chest wrapping her arms around me.

A - I'm sorry
R - Its okay and don't apologize to me, you should be apologizing to yourself. Babe look at your feet and ankles! Just promise me, next time you'll listen to your body?

Andy then nodded her head against my chest.

R - Babe look at me.

She raised her head and we made eye contact. I wiped the remaining tears from her face and pulled her in for a kiss.

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