Finally Home

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Hi guys! I told you I didn't forget about you! I finally got SOMETHING for you. With all of the time that I was in the hospital, had a little writer's block, and the place where I had blood drawn to check my oxygen level bruised my wrist so after a little while off typing, it would start to hurt, I lost track of where Andy was in her pregnancy so, this is starting off at 26 weeks. I hope you guys like it but here it is!


Robert - Andy, I think you should go ahead and start your maternity leave.
Andy - No Robert. 7 months. At 7 months I'll start. That's what we agreed on. I can make it to 7 months
Robert - Babe, I know we agreed on 7 months but I don't think she is going to let you wait until 7 months. I know you're the most stubborn person on earth but I think baby girl has got you beat
Andy - I only have 2 more weeks left
Robert - Yeah, it's just 2 weeks early-
Andy - AND IF I let her have her way now, who is the actual parent? I have to put my foot down before she gets here. She's not the boss! I am!
Robert - Have you not been paying attention this entire pregnancy?! She is the boss and what she says goes. Oh gosh what am I going to do when she finally gets here? She's going to take over!

Andy began laughing as Robert began to panic. This has how it has been for the past month, Robert trying to get Andy to take maternity leave early, leading him to freak out about having their daughter. It always ended in Andy winning the argument and having to calm him down but this time, Robert was sure that he'd win the maternity leave argument and he wasn't going to back down.

Robert - Andy, look at your ankles! They've been like that everyday you've worked for the past 2 weeks. Carina said "desk duty" but you can't seem to sit down. You're not supposed to be cleaning and doing truck maintenance! You're suposed to be at the desk! Sitting! Resting! Taking phone calls! Paperwork! That's it!

As Robert was beginning to close his argument, Maya barged into his office. Sucked was an understatement. Out of everyone at the station, Maya was the one to always respect boundaries with the chief, because, lets be honest, she was afraid of him, and here she was barging in, in the middle of an important discussion with his wife. He was really looking forward to hearing why the hell she walking in without being invited.

Maya - Chief? Mrs. Chief? Here you go.
Andy - Mrs. Chief? That's a new one.
Maya - Yeah. Well, lieutenant is out of office until that baby pops. There's your official maternity leave paperwork, effective immediately. All you have to do is sign it and have Carina sign it. I got your back Chief.
Andy - You can't be serious?!

Hearing those words, he no longer cared that she barged into his office but he would be sure to speak to her about it later letting her know not to let it happen again

Maya - Oh, I'm dead serious. Now take your maternity leave and relax!
Andy - But my doctor said I have another 2 weeks until I have to go on maternity leave.
Maya - It's either that or I'm going to have to bench you until you get cleared by a doctor to fully perform your duties. No one can keep you at the desk. I've tried, the chief has tried, Vic has tried, the guys are scared of you and Chief Ripley just agrees with everything you say. You're unnecessarily putting your body through so much. I'm just looking after my lieutenant and your poor husband and baby. You're going to give that man a stroke! Now go home and relax.
Andy - I'm not sure I know how to do that
Maya - Kick your feet up and let your husband wait on you hand and foot! I know it's hard to not work but trust me, you will feel better. Plus, he doesn't even have to be here anymore. He's just been here because you wouldn't go on maternity leave. Now pack up and go home. Byyyee!
Andy - I can't believe this
Robert - Finally! It's over

Robert said letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding

Andy - This isn't real.

Robert scanned over all of the documents Maya gave him.

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