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Let me run this to you. I'm single, it's my birthday and I'm old enough to get drunk, but alcohol tastes horrible. What do I do? Go to a bar, get drunk on decent alcohol, meet someone, have a one night stand. I'm just kidding. Birthdays aren't my thing. Obvious isn't it. I'm in Seattle right now, they have a great night time scene plus it's a cheaper version of New York. I had a couple hours ago at The Show-box it was a fun chill show.

"What can I get for you?" The bartender asked me

"I don't know it's my first time at a bar, what do you recommend?"

"I'll make you something not too strong" she smiled

I hate traveling alone but I don't really have anyone anymore. Everyone is an adult, well we're all adults now. I just turned 21 all my friends have a life and of course all my friends with an audience have..I could say connections to someone I shouldn't have connections with anymore. You know, the works. The bartender handed me a drink and it was sweet didn't taste like alcohol at all.

"This is good what is this?" I asked taking another sip

"It's a Shirley Temple just soda and grenadine"

"Ah no wonder it tastes so good" I laugh

"Casey" She said reaching her hand out across the bar table

"Quinn" I said shaking her hand

"Like the Quinn who was just performing across the street leaving annoyed parents up in here?"

"That's the one!" I exclaimed

"Now what is a musician doing so sad in a bar?" Casey grabbed a chair and sat next to me

"Celebrating my 21st birthday why of course" I said doing jazz hands


"Yeah I don't have a lot of friends"

"Hm, I think I could make you my friend"  She said squinting her eyes

"Oh could you really?" I smiled

"Oh yeah definitely, you wanna come to my place tonight or should we meet up at a hotel?"

"Uh neither give me a bottle of vodka" I said

"Okay well i tried"

Casey grabbed the bottle of vodka and made us both three shots each. I've never drank straight vodka but I handled it great. I even asked for more, which in the end wasn't a good idea because I had ten shots..
I mean One, Two step by Ciara playing just made me crazy really, making a fool out of myself. But Casey came through and danced with me it was fun because Casey let me stay after hours to dance. A whole bar to myself on my birthday? Of course I wouldn't say no. After only like 20 minutes of dancing I sat back down and basically broke down at least that's what Casey told me.

"What's wrong why are you crying?" Casey said putting her hand on my back

"Just give me some more vodka" I struggled to say in between my tears.

"Uh you are in no shape for more alcohol, what's up?"

"It's just that, Billie and I were planning a vacation to ourselves for my 21st. J-Just for us" I sobbed

"Who, Who is billie?" Casey asked

"My- Ex"

"Do you want to talk about it?"


Do you wanna know what I did? DO YOU? You know my drunk ass kind of maybe might have told my the whole story of us together obviously not including everything it's like what you saw! The surface but also I just met this person they really didn't need to know the surface of anything. Why couldn't I just drink the soda and leave or better yet have never come in here in the first place. Casey was anything but judgmental though which is something I wouldn't expect.


I wake up the next morning in a hotel room with a raging headache. All i really remember is meeting Casey and grabbing vodka, and the show of course. I looked through my camera roll and just saw an embarrassing amount selfies from last night they were funny though. A video of me dancing (not well) to Nicki Minaj is I think my favorite video of last night. I told my manager yesterday that I would be staying a couple days in Seattle and they could leave without me so I'm not very sure how I managed to get into this...hotel room.. I look around realizing i've never seen a hotel room that is minimalistic, filled with plants and exposed bricks, am I in a studio right now?

"Oh good you're up here's some tea" I heard Casey say

I am in a studio because why other reason would there be a kitchen like 6 feet away from my bed.

"You took me to your house?!" I asked realizing I was in Casey's place

"I mean yeah it was nearly three in the morning and I'm not having a girl walk to a hotel drunk in Seattle" Casey said handing me the tea

"You couldn't have taken me to a hotel yourself" I said taking a sip

"Oh don't be a big baby we are literally on top of the bar, you are more than welcome to leave"

Hell no I'm not leaving I have the BIGGEST hang over in the WORLD. I could easily die from hanging out with a stranger though so that's cool.

"Please tell me I didn't say anything extremely personal at least?" I asked desperately

"Oh don't worry I don't usually believe drunk people who say they were in a relationship with Billie Eilish"

My eyes widened and I choked on my tea "I said what now"

"Yeah, embarrassing isn't it" She laughed

"Not only embarrassing but I wasn't lying" I whined plopping back to the bed

"Haha you don't expect me to believe that do you"

"You want proof? You know what it doesn't even matter cause-" I was cut off

"You know what I actually do believe you because there's no way you could've made that whole story up"

"Yeah well, I'm not drinking ever again" I laughed nervously

"I've heard a lot of people say that"

"I swear!"

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