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"so what'd you do after ditching me yesterday?"

"I did some..stuff"

Day after, I don't want to talk about it. I mean I do. But I don't. Billie is blonde? It's hot as fuck don't get me wrong. But I once did tell myself never to fall for a blonde LMFAO.

"What'd you do after I ditched you?"

"I met this really cute ginger, but unfortunately he's in a relationship" Casey sighed

This bitch was fucking with Finneas wasn't she? That's funny for sure. But surprisingly she's respectful to the fact he's in a relationship. Its hard to remember not everything is a relationship war like twilight.

"Yeah I think I know who you're talking about." I laugh

"Hm, well i'm going out today" Casey said

"Have fun"

A day to myself. Most people I know would hate having their one friend leave to do something else but me? Nah when I'm by myself I can actually be myself. Music makes me think it gets me going. I think I sick at songwriting but when it finally comes out it sounds decent. The airbnb we are in has a lot of stuff, it comes with a pool,  gym, basketball court, and so on. I wonder what Casey went to do. She isn't from here anyways at least I don't think so. Anyways I'm gonna try to do something productive.

1 hour later!

What if at this point I just hire a ghostwriter? Because my brain sucks at making songs. I think of it one way and then it comes out a completely other way. I worked out, went swimming, I've done everything I could possibly do. But no ideas whatsoever.


Oh some guests how nice, something to distract me of the fact that I SUCK at songwriting. They could've knocked a little softer though that scared the shit out of me. I walk to the door and open it revealing a shit ton of cops outside. What the fuck!

"Is this the residence of Casey Hanson?" One officer asks

"It's Harson and no this is an Airbnb we are renting why are you here?"

"Where is she"

"She's not home..i'm sorry can I help you?" I ask

"We have a warrant for her arrest and search of the home. Mind if we come in?"

"Umm sure"

I let them in because i'm not trying to fucking die first of all. ALSO why is she gonna get arrested? We haven't even been here for a full week and she's already getting in trouble! Maybe that's the reason she wears sunglasses all the time or because she was acting so shady this morning. Did I tell you that she left with a duffle bag? I hope I'm not involved with whatever this hoe is into oh my god. The cops all came in some of them pulled their guns out. Oh my god oh my god. I watched them go upstairs and search her room aggressively throwing things trying to find somethings. Nothing found. They go through my room next only finding music equipment. They brought the dog, I knew they weren't going to find anything because I don't do shit.

Suddenly the dogs starts barking towards one corner of the room. Behind the drawer. I too curiously look over a cop shoulder to see what was found. They move the drawer and find a trap door inserted into the wall. I haven't been here for long I wouldn't have known. Is this house really just an Airbnb? Or is Casey hiding the fact that she owns it. After all the cops did ask if this was her residence. They rip open the latch and find a BOAT LOAD of white powder knowing it's in MY ROOM I am the one getting shit for this.

"Put your hands behind your back we are taking you in" The sheriff says

"But those aren't mine you had a warrant for Casey not me" I panic knowing damn well there will be press about this

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