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How long does it take to get used to annoying fans saying you're not good enough for the love of your life? It's bad enough when you already have fans defending you to the core. They were supposed to be sister fandoms! Not hate each other!

"You're overthinking" Billie said sitting across the room

"She hasn't left the house in three days, overthinking is only part of it" I hear malik say under his voice

"I can hear you guys!" I say looking up from my pillow

Billie and I went out again, I guess we forgot we were famous or something cause we had a DEEP kiss and held hands for the rest of the day. Obviously articles and photos were shared. I'm not used to this! Billie is, Billie has been in the spotlight since she was 14 I on the other hand got 4 million followers out of no where in the span of 2.5 years. I am a nobody still, of course there's occasional paparazzi but not someone recording and following where I go just because of the person I am kissing. Finneas obviously has hold of this. He got into a teeny tiny argument with Billie but when we told him the entire story of what happened he got mad at Scott not me. Here he is too, judging me.

"Quinn you need to get used to this if you want to date Billie, people were bound to find out" He said as he stood next to my brother

Let me create imagery for you. I'm on my bed hit a complete breakdown phase haven't been out in three days. Billie comes over Malik explains what's happening. Surprise surprise Finneas is the one who drove her so he's here too. Billie and I have talked between the last three days she's just been busy with work so she wasn't able to come over to see this. Now she is sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. With Malik and Finneas standing next to her with their arms cross giving that judgmental "🤨" face and I cannot take the stares.

"Come on Quinn, we'll be okay" Billie said

"Easy for you to say!" I shouted sarcastically but I think they took it seriously sometimes my sarcasm doesn't come out as sarcasm.

"Woah no need to shout Camille!" Malik said stepping towards me

When Malik is really serious about something he calls me by my middle name. He does that because he knows I hate it

"I was joking jeez" I said flopping down on my bed

"Can you guys just get out please" I ask

Malik, Finneas and Billie started walking out but I didn't want her to leave.

"Not you Billie, stay please"

She closes the door behind Finneas and jumps onto the bed.

"You can't handle it can you?" She asks while laying her head on my chest.

"It's not that, it's just that suddenly I don't feel like I have motivation to do anything."

I feel so helpless, out of no where.

"Why didn't you just say that instead of acting okay?" She asked getting up

She sighed and opened up her arms as an invitation to give her a hug. We sat their intertwined in each other's arms she was holding my waist and my head. I don't like being a burden. That's what it feels like I am right now, a burden.

"I'm so lucky to have you" I say still in her arms

"Me too"


Billie was able to get me out of the house. She knows how to get to me.

"A green tea latte for you my love" She says handing me a drink while sitting down

The sweetest. I could describe so many things about her that i love. I'd do it now but it'd take ages. She knows how to make someone feel better by barely even trying. She could smile at me and make my day. I don't know how she remembered green tea was my favorite I don't even remember telling her but that's the best part.

"I've been thinking." Billie starts

"What's up"

She hesitates "Nah never mind it's dumb"

"Oh now you have to tell me" I insist

"Well, I was thinking.. if you wanted to buy a place together" She said taking a deep breath

WOAH. That's kind of really soon. Is she okay?

"Don't you think it's too soon?" I ask

"We've known each other since 2019 i mean, not really"

It's seems soon. Really. Really. Soon.

"I'm sorry Billie but i can't give you an answer right now" i say

"I knew it was stupid to ask" She laughed it off

"It's not stupid! I just need time to think about it that's all it's a big decision I think you should think about it some more too" I explained

"I've been thinking it off a while maybe not last year because we weren't talking much but i have thought about it before it's not a sudden idea."

She sounds mad. I don't like when billie gets mad because she makes it seem like she thinks everyone is against her. She's stubborn. She comes up with an idea and when someone turns it down she gets butthurt, and let me be clear i'm not turning down her idea i'm going to think about it. "But Quinn you moved in with someone you barely knew" Exactly! That was a huge mistake I never should have made. Billie isnt and will never be a mistake she just means so much to me that I don't want to mess up. I want to think before diving in. I think because I care when I bluntly make a decision it's because it doesn't have much important to me.

Billie tells me she's going to the car. Now I'm the bad guy. No one here is the bad guy. I follow her out and hop in the car with her.

"Are you mad" I ask

"Why would I be mad" She scoffed

"You seem mad"

She crosses her arms and looks out the window.

"I'm not mad"

I lean over to give her a kiss on the cheek and rest my face against hers for a moment. I can feel her little smirk on her face i can't see it because my eyes are closed (it's a weird angle) She doesn't want me to see it.

"I'll give you an answer soon, just give me some time okay B?"  I say sitting back down in my seat

"Okay I'll be waiting"

sorry i haven't updated you already know how shits been 💀💀

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