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(This chapter and reoccurring chapters will have a narrator in some parts. When i'm italic please remember it is not billie or quinn talking. Just an overlook)

"These questions seem a little invasive" I whisper to finneas as we stand behind the camera of Billies interview

"Yeah, I'm not liking where this is going" He responds

The interviewer was asking very personal questions, knowing the level of fame Billie has reached it's obviously something she'd never answer. Billie was clearly uncomfortable but she kept smiling, always changed the subject. Each question asked Finneas and I would trade questionable looks. Finneas can be very protective over Billie, unless it's something he knows she'll be stubborn about. I think that's a white people thing cause my brother would not give a fuck if I didn't want to listen to what he said. Like when he forced me to move in with him because of what happened with Casey. Which by the way she has gone into acting and has grown as a person, we still talk but not as much. I was snapped out of thought when the interviewer suddenly asked

"So Billie everyone is wondering, what is your sexuality?"

She got pushed back by the question, looking at me and back down to her hands not sure on how to answer. She looks back at me and I mouth "you got this love" Giving her confidence to shoot it down.  Billie and ai talked about it before, if we weren't ready we wouldn't reveal each other.

"You know my sexuality isn't really anybody's business except myself and my partners"  She answered confidentiality


"So you are dating someone" The interviewer says

"Yup!" She blushes looking at me.

The interviewer looks back at me and smirks. He knows what he's going to do next, which is exactly what billie and I don't want to happen. Asshole. The whole interview is live, no cuts.

"I am assuming that lucky person is the young lady standing behind me is it not?"


"Uh.." she didn't say anything

"Come on! it's okay to be gay. they still love you!" He continued

"I can't do this"

Billie walked out of the room, Finneas and I followed. We found her sitting in her car outside the studio. I knocked on the car window and she unlocked the car door.

"Finneas don't take this personally but can we be alone?" I ask him

He nods his head and angrily walks back into the studio. I sit down and close the door she has her head in her hands and doesn't look up at me.

"You okay?" I ask putting my hand on her back for comfort

She shakes her head 'no' and stays silent. When someone doesn't answer your question directly especially when asking if they are okay, shut up and hug them. Don't talk. Talking makes it worse because you don't know what you're going to say until you say it, unless you actually think before you speak which is very unlike me. I wrapped my arm around Billie and she leaned into my shoulder. The person will eventually talk on their own terms, only if they trust you. Don't try to comfort a person who doesn't trust you bozo.

"I'm scared" She says quietly


"What people will think. Or do"

"Who cares about other people. We have each other" I respond

"I care!" She says raising her voice and jumping out of my arms

In occasional situations you'll think you said the right thing but it triggered something in the person who you were trying to comfort. Have no fear! You are on your own. This little narrator who is narrating everything Quinn is doing is a gonna leave because Quinn doesn't know what to do or what has lead to Billies surprise outrage woohoo!

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be! It's not your fault I fell in love with you and it could possibly ruin my career!"  She shouts cutting me off

"Wow! Sorry! I didn't know that a career is more important than your relationships! But let me remind you, yours isn't the only one at risk!"  I shout

"I never said that don't put words in my mouth!"

"That's exactly what you sounded like!"

"Well then maybe you should listen to me instead of making everything about you!"

"Are you fucking kidding me!? EVERYTHING is about me now? I think not Billie you have made everything about the way you feel! Haven't you noticed?"

"The fuck are you talking about?"

The fuck am I talking about? Where did that come from?

"Im done arguing with you, i'm out!" I said getting out of the car

"How will you make it home?" She says aggressively

"I'll manage!" I say slamming the door

I walk back into the building to get my things in the break room. Finneas is slumped on the chair looking at his phone.

"This is a mess" He says to his phone

I peak over his shoulder and see him scrolling through twitter. Billies trending he's going through her tag. Some people are congratulating her others are saying quite the opposite. Her fans are freaking out, in a good way. (Knowing she has good taste in women they are celebrating) I don't know what Billie was so afraid of. In fact her label will use this as an opportunity to just get more money off of her. Mine on the other hand will try to erase all my photos with me on the internet. Homophobes.

"Is Billie good?" He asks

"No, we got into a fight" I sigh


"She's scared of what people will think. The whole fight was stupid I don't even know why she cares"

"She's insecure, you know that"

I sigh and start walking out.

"Need a ride?" He asks now behind me

"Please?" I say in agreement

All couples fight, this is not a crisis it's normal. I think i'd be afraid of a couple who never fought. Fighting is healthy..if not toxic obviously. Look Im not saying fight with your girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever friend. I'm just saying don't put your relationship to waste over one fight, unless it's physical in that case please seek help! Quinn will go home and fingers crossed they'll forgive each other do a kissy kiss and be a happy couple again.

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