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One week later

"I didn't know it was going to be like this!"

"Neither did I Quinn! I would've never done any of this if I knew how it would be!"

"Done what?? Date me?"

"Yes! Exactly that! But I can't control my emotions!"


When you're famous you have a team. A team of people telling you what to post, say, do, etc. When something comes up that they don't want in your image they make a new rule. Nobody knows what happens when you don't follow a rule of theirs. In this case two teams came together to make one rule. Both Billie and Quinn's team came together to make a rule. No more being together in public. Why? Why do they care so much? Nobody truly knows, their romantic life isn't anybody's business. They love each other so much that they want to be able to hug and kiss and hold hands in public.

Listen couples get into arguments, but this isn't an average couple that both work 9-5 jobs, they have eyes on them all the time. Everybody cares about what they're up to. If teams think something will change the image they made up for you in a bad way they'll give you a rule to follow. When a couple though is given a rule, their relationship gets rocky. Their relationship is no longer just between them. It's a business deal.

Anyways, Back to the story.


"Did you really just say that?"  Quinn asks in disbelief

"I didn't- I didn't mean it like that" I sigh disgusted by the fact it came out of my mouth

"Then how did you mean it, tell me billie tell me how you meant that if you knew we'd go through some set backs you would have never dated me" She asks while her voice breaks

"I don't.."

I hesitate and never finish my sentence. I was going to say that I didn't know what I meant but I think that would sound worse.

"You don't what?"

"I don't know!"

"Well figure it out Billie" She scoffs going upstairs

Im left there leaning against the kitchen counter. Angered that I was ever afraid of what the public would say.

"FUCK!" i shout banging the counter

I don't want to immediately go up to Quinn because I know she's mad at me right now. I fucked up saying that. What I said is what should never be said in a relationship and I don't know how to fix it. Actually I think I have an idea but it's bound to get me in trouble.. fuck it. I grab the keys to my car and race out the door. First stop, Finns house.


Finneas opens the door after a couple minutes his hairs messy and he's only wearing sweats.

"Hey Billie what's up" He greets me sounding out of it

"It's 3:30 did you really just wake up?" I ask confused

"..no" He says awkwardly

"Ew never mind I don't need to know, anyways I need Claudias help with something"

"Right now?"


"Here, come in cause she has to shower" He says opening the door wider for me to come in

I sat in their living room for about 30 minutes until they both came out dressed and ready to go.

"Jesus, finally!"

"What do you need help with Billie?" Claudia asks

"I need you to pick out some nice flowers and-"


Text message from Quinn. I don't feel like talking today, and please don't bring me flowers.

"What's up?"

"Scratch that never mind, you guys can go back to whatever you were doing" I say disappointed walking out of the house

I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do in that moment but I did know one thing. I set up a meeting with our team and su was heading to it now. Everyone that made the rule was there. It was put into place the same day at the lake and in effect ever since. Quinn and I have been falling apart since, we've barely been talking. Constant arguments. I cant handle it anymore. It's my fault, I couldn't make up my mind on whether I wanted or didn't want people to see us in public. Some days I'd feel comfortable kissing her in public but in places where no one was around. Sometimes I wouldn't want to risk it at all.

I walked in the room alone. They were expecting to see both Quinn and I there but that's not the case not today.

"I thought you were both coming?" My manager asked

"Yeah no, I wanted to talk"

"Go ahead"

There was a seat reserved for me but I stayed standing I was ready to leave the moment it got tough.

"I don't want to keep our relationship secret" I finally announce

"But billie this could be damaging your career"

"I don't care about my career I care about her"

"No, it's not happening. You signed a contract now sit down and we can talk it all out" Another person said

"No you know what, I get it. You only want the best for us and that's what's important I'm sorry for wasting your time"

They all say that it's good I realized what they wanted for us and shake my hand. Smiling I walk out the building back to my car. I'm glad they genuinely about us and about what the public would say it shows they have value, I Wave goodbye to one of the people who was at the meeting and back away from the parking lot.

"They only care about their reputation" I say to myself and laugh driving home as fast as I can.

I make it home and It's quiet, she's still upstairs. I take off my shoes but my keys on the counter and run up the stairs. I open the door and seem to scare Quinn as she's reading a book.

"Fuck the rules!" I exclaim coming into the room


"Lets show them how much we love each other" I saw jumping onto the bed and grabbing Quinn's waist scooting her closer to me

"But we'll get in trouble" She says

"Who cares"

"Are you really up for it?"

"I thought you don't want to talk" I tease

"Well now I kinda feel like I need to" she smiles

I grab her book and toss it off the bed, getting on top of her.

"Hey!" She exclaims wanting her book back

"You can read it later!" I laugh giving her a kiss on the forehead

"You ready to reveal ourselves to the world?" I ask

"You mean get in god knows how much trouble? Absolutely"

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