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"So what the hell do you need me for?" I ask Casey

"drop the attitude" She said rolling her eyes

Im in the passenger seat of her car, it's super late and i'm tired as hell.

"You can drop the attitude too, you aren't as scary as you think you are"

"That's true" She says

I don't say anything else confused on what she meant by that's true. Is she agreeing that's she's not scary? Cause she's not that's for sure but I'm also not trying to get shot. We pulled up to an apartment building. Her apartment was big, not much of an apartment actually it took up nearly the whole floor. It's a big coincidence that she owns places near me all the time. Including from when I met her.

"You can go to sleep we'll talk tomorrow" she said throwing her keys on the counter

"Why'd you take me this late if you're just going to let me sleep?" I asked confused

"I mean you caved in so easily"

"Yeah cause you threatened to shoot my!-"

I stopped, she's not my girlfriend anymore we're friends right. Yes.

"That is so sad that you have to cut off to think about it" she laughed

"Well it's someone I care about!"

"I didn't even have a bullet in the chamber! Pussy!" She just kept laughing

EVILLL EVILL EVIL. I could've just left and would've been fine because she didn't have anymore bullets. Oh my, I just went onto the bed she said was mine and started to fall asleep but I needed to text Billie first.

Me: i'm okay i'll see you tomorrow ❤️

Billie: good i was worried stay safe please

me: i will don't worry

I went to sleep expecting nothing much of next day. Just wanted to get home and see billie again.

I woke up bright and early to the smell of sizzling bacon. She tries so hard to seem scary yet she makes a hostage breakfast. Even though i'm not a hostage i'm literally going home once this shit is over.

"Good morning, here's some pancakes and bacon. Now we need to talk"

Casey up the plate in front of me then sat down across the table, she only made enough for one.

"Okay what's up" I ask putting a forkful of food in my mouth

"Its all been an act"

"What's been an act?" I ask confused

"Me, i'm not some cool gang leader. All i did was mess up and deal a whole bunch of drugs"

Does she think i'm dumb?

"No shit" i laugh

"What do you mean"

Okay here i go with my annoying smart ass explaining everything.

"It's purely simple Casey, you aren't very scary. You are though when you have a gun i am afraid of people with guns but girl you are not badass. You are a tall white girl who sells drugs."

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