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Bro Casey literally dresses like that dude on good girls you know the one? You know what I'll just show you.

AND  she wears sunglasses everywhere

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AND  she wears sunglasses everywhere. Now the fact that homegirl got a gun?? Ion trust her that much anymore. Also why she want to help me "get billie back" I was drunk when I told her about it. Plus I DO NOT believe that story of her parents dying. She's a suspicious person.

BILLIES POV (welcome back :)

"Do you ever think about talking to her though?" Finneas asked

I was sitting in the salon chair getting my final touches of my blonde hair which has taken weeks to do but im still going to wear a wig until maybe next month. Finneas came with me and we were just having a conversations about the album, grammy's. When the sudden topic of Quinn came up abruptly.

"I mean yeah why not" I said

"She kind of broke your heart"

"Well yeah but, I feel like she truly felt something at the time. I don't know maybe i'm just being dumb" I laugh

"Yeah maybe a little" He sighed

"I'm being serious Finn I would talk to her again if I had the chance"

"Why, she lied to you during your whole relationship!"

"She made me feel loved"

"Until she didn't, Billie i'm sorry to say this but you can be the dumbest person when it comes to love" He rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry I don't have a perfect love life compared to you and Claudia" i said annoyed


"I gave you an honest answer to your question and you give me shit for it dude!"

He didn't answer. Typical of him everyone wishes they had a sibling relationship like us until they realize we're the same as everyone else except we don't fight in public. He cares obviously but he doesn't always know how to express it. I saw Quinn moved back to Oakland so I doubt I'll ever have the chance to talk to her again.


I was sitting in the bed of our Airbnb and suddenly saw smoke smoke coming from outside. I got outside and see Casey smoking a cig just looking out to the water.

"You smoke?" Casey asked

"No i'm not trying to die early" I responded

"Pathetic" She scoffed

"You're a bitch"

"Eh I try"

"Here I guess one time won't hurt" I said referring to the smoke

I've never smoked before, and i never planned too before that. But I guess nobody is perfect am I right? She handed me a cigarette and lit it up in my mouth. It wasn't hard I didn't cough but it wasn't worth the hype. I didn't finish it I threw it to the ground and stepped on it. Then walked back into the house trying to figure out how to approach Billie when comes the time. An hour later I have absolutely nothing.

"What are all these papers on the floor?" Casey asked walking in

"Songs, Notes, random shit" I said laying on the floor while looking at the ceiling

"I guess none of them worked out?" She asked referring to them all being crumpled up

"No shit, I'm going to sleep" I said getting up going to my room

"Sweet dreams" I heard her say

I don't like the color of my room but it's cool. I just want rest. This place is insane though I'm happy i'm not paying for it.

Instead of going to sleep like I said I was I decided to look Casey up she's a very mysterious person

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Instead of going to sleep like I said I was I decided to look Casey up she's a very mysterious person. I heard her of the phone say her name was Casey Harson i'm not completely sure how accurate that is but whatever.

Results for Casey Harson:
Drug Trafficking - 2018 - methamphetamine

Jesus christ. I'm hanging out with a criminal. It's just a drug charge it's not like she killed anybody. Or did she I don't know. Oh hell nah why she tryna hang with me for. No wonder she dresses like Rio from good girls. Homegirl IS rio. Wait oh my god is she going to do something like wait. Oh my god.

"You've been looking me up" I heard her say behind me back

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Lord have mercy I am going to die.

"Uh yeah"  I hesitated to say turning to face her

She had her hand on her hip where she hides her gun under her coat. I am going to THROW UP.

"I was forced to do it you know" she said

"How are you forced into that-"

"I got into the wrong crowd, that's kind of why I own all this restaurants and I just got i to the wrong crowd you know?"

"No, I don't know because I'm a normal fucking person..for the most part. Dude why do you want to help me I could get in huge trouble for hanging with you, you know that right"

I was mad now, she seemed cool at first but now she's probably just wanting to drag me into her weird shit.

"I want to help you because I lost someone I loved too but I couldn't get her back! You have the chance to get billie back!" She said seeming panicked

"I don't need some gang leaders help!" I shouted

"We'll see about that"

Casey walked out the room and slammed the door. I gotta get out man I am in danger. I want billie back but I can do it myself. What does she mean by we'll see about that. I am a famous human being but normal, I had good grades, I graduated early. I'm not a bad person I don't need a gangbangers help.

we'll see about that

we'll see about that

we'll see about that

My anxious ass isn't good in this situation at ALL.


that was a turn not even i expected to take but here we are y'all i'm writing this on the whim i am excited to see how this plays out.

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