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I don't like hanging out with people who shove drugs and alcohol down your throat. I'm the only person in this room who can't drink or smoke. Not that I'd want to anyways. Doja is funny she's cool and doesn't make you do anything you don't want to do. Everyone else though can go rot. Doja finally sobered up and decided not to drink anymore tonight. I don't know where Quinn is, I didn't know she drank apparently she does. It's okay the last time I saw her she wasn't drunk just had a drink. I ran away from the crowd up in Doja's room. Hanging with her cat, the party is loud but the room is sound proofed.

"There you are" Quinn says coming in the room


"A lot of people left, there's less smoke everywhere if you wanna come dance with me" She smirks

"Dance? I didn't know you can dance"

"There's a lot you still don't know about me" She laughs

"Let's go dance then" I smile


There was still plenty of people but a lot less of how it started. Quinn and I were having a blast dancing and then Quinn quickly went to get a drink. She was back on the dance floor then took a sip and made a face of disgust.

"Ew it's vodka! Why would they put vodka in a water jug?" She shouted so i could hear her over the music

"It's a party quinn don't trust anything you drink!"

"Wanna sip? It's not that bad!"

"You know I'm too young for that!" I laughed

"By a year though! But it's okay I won't pressure you if you don't want to" She said

Quinn respects my decisions and that's another reason why I like her. But she's right I turn 21 next year, why not?

"Give me some!"

I grab the cup and of course never have drank alcohol I chug it all in one sip.

"Billie that was so much why would you chug that!??" She asks freaking out

"I'll be fine!" I laugh

Quinn's pov.

I drink every once and a while but not even I can handle the amount of alcohol billie drank. She's going to be wasted by the end of the night, it's okay i'll take care of her. I'm a little tipsy but i think i can manage.

"This is my song!!" Billie said excitedly as 'Sex with me' by Rihanna came on

She grabbed my waist and started dancing. "Sex with me, so amazing" playing in the background as Billie and I forget we aren't the only ones in the room. I always hated those couples who grind on each other while dancing now look at us. By the time the songs over most people are gone only about 2-3 other couples. Exactly how I expected Billie could barely stand on her own. She flops on the couch and closes her eyes.

"Alright Billie I think it's time for us to go" I say helping her get up

"But i'm having so much fun" She slurs while smiling

"I know, I'm sorry my love"

I help her get up then say my goodbyes to Doja.

"Thanks for having us Doja it was really fun, we're gonna head out now" I say

"I'll drive you, y'all aren't in any condition to drive" Doja laughs

We head to the car but immediately get stopped by three police officers. They're all standing tall with a tired look on their faces. I try to keep Billie as still as possible standing up, I don't know how she is drunk so let's just say she doesn't say anything stupid.

"Which one of you owns this place" The one in the middle asks

"That would be me" Doja says

"We got several noise complaints and accusations of underage drinking"

Oh no.

"That second part would be me" Billie giggles under her breath

"Shh billie" I whisper

"What was that?" The officer asks

"Nothing haha" I lie

"Can you walk in a straight line for me?" He asks billie

Billie struggles to walk and I catch her as she falls over.

"How old are you?" He asks her

"19!" She slurs

Annnnnd there it is. I don't think we're going home soon. The officer sarcastically smiles and tells us to get in the car with him. In his words we are "taking a field trip to the station" I don't think we're going to stay long we didn't do anything super ilegal.


"How long are we going to stay here?"  Doja asked

We arrived at the station and I realized that I should've probably never said my actual age. Drinking is kinda has a fun affect on me. It's bad for me though so I probably shouldn't do that again.

"It's a short sentence you'll be released by noon tomorrow" The officer said

"Oh thank god" Quinn said


The night at the station was uncomfortable and cold. My phone was dead so I didn't see if anyone called me or texted. I woke up with a pounding headache while the Officer started opening the door. Although I was uncomfortable I was laying down, I remember falling asleep sitting down but I woke up with my head on Quinns lap.

"Alright you can leave" The officer said


I was still barely awake but i walked out with quinn and doja. Doja again offered to drive us home and wouldn't take no for an answer. Once we got home I plopped down on the couch.

"My head hurts so bad" I whined

"Maybe don't drink straight vodka next time" Quinn laughed giving me water and a pill

"There won't be a next time"

"Oh there's always a next time, i tell you from experience"

"Do you think we're going to get in a lot of trouble?" I ask her

"Hm maybe but who cares, let's tell them to fuck off"


We sat and watched a movie together and then there was a know on the door. Quinn opened the door and then she walked into the living room with finneas.

"Hey billie"

"Hi finneas"

"There's pictures of you being cuffed up" He says

"Oh my god i really fucked up" i sigh

"It's okay, they were taken down. You gotta be more careful though"

We talked for a while. Quinn and I kinda ditched everyone after the lake incident. Turns out my dad was really mad about me getting arrested I mean why wouldn't he Id be mad at me too. But finneas talked to him and he calmed down a bit. I don't know how this is going to play out with our team but I really don't care .

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