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"Once in a lifetime" - singer QUINN arrested for drug possession yesterday according to TMZ. Bailed out by basketball star (brother) Malik Perez. Drug found has still not been said to the public reporters announce.

A drug possession? There's no way. Quinn always stated her hate for drugs. She's smoked pot before but it made her really anxious so she hasn't done it since.

I close my computer and think of texting her. Instead I text Lexie. Lexie and I have still kept contact she's really cool. 

me: hey do you know anything about quinn?

lexie w: Yeah, did you hear?

me: unfortunately.. do you know what it was?

lexie w: Billie you know I care about you dearly but it isn't my place to talk about Quinn's case. If you want answers you're going to need to talk to her :/

me: okay i'll try
me: i will
lexie w: Good, talk to you later


Ugh screw Lexie and her good person traits. Now I gotta do some digging and find out where Quincys brother lives. Or i could just ask. Nah lmfao. I'm sure i can figure. After about thirty minutes of looking up an address nothing showed up. So i ended up just asking Lexie. It's in beverly hills a twenty minute drive. I look up the address to make sure i pull up to the right house when i get there.

GODDAMN . That house is HUGE. Check this out y'all what the fuck.

 Check this out y'all what the fuck

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Her brother be rich rich oh.
I start driving to his house, of course unannounced because that seems to be our thing lately. Its a gated community but at this point i'm allowed anywhere with this green and black wig.

The drive way is long. Security reasons I assume. I pull up and park to where is available. Knock on the door. It takes a little for it to open. It's her brother. Malik and I have had a few interactions. From my experiences he looks super intimidating but he's super nice and charming even to people he doesn't like.

"Oh hi! Come on in, my sister is in her room it's upstairs the second door on the left I know it can seem confusing but it's honestly not as big as it seems"

"Hi thank you!" I respond surprised

That was easier than I expected. I go up the stairs and the living room is at least ten times bigger than my parents..house. I know i on the door she says come in expecting it to obviously be her brother. I sneak in and she doesn't see me because she's plopped on her bed.

When we were together she had this thing where when she was sad or frustrated she would absolutely blast on the speakers. Any song by Kid Cudi could calm her down. Not this time. It was all silent and her face was stuffed into her pillow. An absolutely gorgeous view of the city her room had. I could only imagine having a house this big.

"I hear you've turned into a hard criminal these days, i'm guessing the music career isn't working out is it?" I joke

She gets up from her position into a cris-cross position facing me.

"How'd you find me this time?" She asked tilting her head

"That's confidential I fear" I say smiling

I jump onto the bed and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"So tell me what did miss Perez do to get herself in trouble?" I ask looking at her

"I got in with the wrong person turns out they hid their drugs in my room, of course I was put to blame for it"

Jesus drugs? Who's this fool she's been messing with?

"Wow, anyone I know?" I ask

"Just the chick you thought was my girlfriend" she laughs

I knew she was fucked up! Not a reward Billie.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Quinn asked

What am I doing here.

"I wanted to check up on you" I sighed


"Because I still care" I admitted

She changed the subject "Take that stupid wig off"

I didn't even notice it was still on. I took it off and then said it again.

"I still care quinn"

"I want to be straight forward with you but I don't want you to leave." She said putting her hand on my thigh

"Go ahead, I won't run"

"I want to start over." She sighed


"Neither of us wanted to end it, and it wasn't right to end it because I didn't hurt you. Scott did"

I mean she's not wrong there. I found out what he did. It was wrong for me to end it. I didn't know it at the time. She's right we can start over. Right?

"You're right, how do we redo this"

She straightened herself up tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Hi Billie. I would like to take you out on a date does this Saturday work at 7pm?" She reached her hand out with a smile on her face

"Yes, yes it does" I shook her hand and smiled

"I'll see you then" She laughed

We both got up from the bed and she walked me to my car. She opened the door for me.

"I'm glad we're cool" I say

She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek "Me too"

What the hell was that break up we had yo? I didn't even try to work anything out with her. I just cut it off. This fool, has me over my head.


"You have a big smile, what's up b?" Finneas smiled greeting me as I entered the studio

"Ya'know the usual" I shrugged smiling

"I haven't seen you this smiley since the day after you met Justin" He laughed

Really? God I hate Quinn. Has me smiling like a fool!

"I'm going on a date on Saturday"

"Oh fun! With who?"

"Um no one you know" I say

"Right, Well I hope whoever it is treats you good."

"They do"

"I'm happy you've moved on"


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