706 28 4

APRIL 23 2019

"we'll see about that"

"oh come on you won't give me any information!" I laugh

"You just gotta be patient Quinn" Billie laughs

Billie lifts me up and plops me on the couch we're both dying laughing. She said she had a surprise for me, I'm excited to see what it is.

"Okay, okay i'll be back just wait baby"

She runs upstairs then comes back down with the biggest smile. Pulling out a black box she goes onto one knee revealing two butterfly rings on silver one gold.

"Will you be my honor and match rings with me?" She smiles

"These are so cute! You are so cute I call the gold ring!"

"I figured you would"

She slips the ring onto hers then onto mine. We went on a date earlier, and we laughed all day. This is one of those days I wish days didn't only happen once.


I still have that ring you know. I wear it everyday just not much in public. I remember the day she gave it to me we were having so much fun. That day was so special I'm not sure why. You know those days where you just have the most fun? There's no special occasion you just have fun because you're able too? Yeah it was one of those days, I wish I could have one of those days everyday. I wish I could relive that day. Bang bang. Casey knowing on the cars windows as I get ready to drive away! How fun. I roll down the window.

"You can't go without me" She says

"And why not" I ask unamused

"You just can't!"

"Watch me" I start backing up the car

"Security!" She suddenly shouts

"Huh?" I stop the car confused

"You have Four million followers now you can't go out without security you know?"

"You seem like the weakest person ever" I laughed

She puts her hand on her hip, pushing back her jacket and revealing her pistol. I sigh and unlock the doors.

"Fine get in the damn car"

I didn't want to have her with me. Security? Really? I doubt billie is going she's my security guard, also I don't know where she is. I would knock at her door but that's too abrupt you know? Or weird, abruptly weird may I say. I start driving not knowing where to go, we are in downtown LA when we spot a huge crowd of people and she's right in front of them walking with her security. I remember that day when she didn't have her security and I had to save the day. I was a great girlfriend if I do say so myself. I just sat there in disbelief she looks amazing.

"Well you gonna go talk to her or what?" Casey asked

"Not in front of all these people dumbass"

She always gotta ruin the mood. We were in a range rover with tinted windows so no one could peak through. My low rider is back home in Oakland. We were parked across the street where everything was happening for tourists and teenagers it can seem exciting. For adults that have lived in LA for a while this is normal. Eventually they head into a vegan restaurant, classic billie. I way a few seconds after she's in and get out the car. I start walking to the restaurant laying low casey follows.

"Table for two please" I told the host

"This way"

She grabbed two menus and started walking to a table. Casey and I followed, we passed Billies table and I faced away. I saw her take a couple looks back at us and felt bad for basically stalking her. We got sat right across from her table so she'd be facing me and I'd be facing her. Just like when we first met at the Ice cream parlor we made eye contact a couple of times.

"So does she see you?" Casey whispered looking at her menu

"Uh yeah"

Billie was wearing a sweater I always loved to see her in. It was red and long brings out the color of her pink lips. STOP QUINN. stop looking at her lips. Casey and I ordered our food and while eating it each time I couldn't help but look at billie, and making eye contact.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I told Casey

I rushed to the bathroom no longer able to hold myself back from looking at her. I put cold water on my face looking at myself in the mirror. I heard the door open. Looking back at the mirror I see her reflection behind mine.

"You know I was just thinking about you" She said

"I just didn't think you'd be the stalker type" She laughs

"wrong place, wrong time?" I laughed nervously

"I miss you" she smiled

"Me too" I sigh

"I gotta go" before she walked out the room i caught her attention

"Wait billie" I said turning to her


"I know I said this before but I didn't cheat on you"

She just smiled and left. I swear that girl has the ability to make someone smile just by her presence and her smile itself lights up the room. I fixed myself up and went back to my table grazing my hand past billies as I walk by.

"What took so long" Casey asked while on her phone

"I'll tell you in the car. Can we get the check please?" I asked the waitress

The waitress came and I was excited to tell Casey so once we paid I grabbed her hand and ran to the car. I had such a big smile on my face because even if it was a small step it's also a big one.

"So what happened why are you so happy!" Casey asked

"She said she missed me!" I said loudly

"Do you want to scream?"

"I want to scream"

"AHHHHHHHHH" We both screamed with excitement

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