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"So..how long you think the fights going to last?" Finneas asks awkwardly

"Man, how the fuck am i supposed to know finneas?"


White dudes are so oblivious i am so sorry. The car ride was quiet. Finneas and I don't have much in common other than being close to Billie so there isn't much we can bond about anyways. I reached over to turn up the radio and a song I know all the lyrics to came on, I wouldn't go far to say it's my favorite because it's not but it's a song you can go years without hearing yet still rock out to it. Lexie showed it to me, I put it in my 'songs that get white people turnt' playlist. Mr. Brightside.

"You like Mr. Brightside too?" Finneas asks as I quietly sing along

"Uh Yeah, who doesn't?"


He tried to bond, I did too. It didn't work out. We need something..else. But that will have to wait, we're home.

"Text me if you need anything, and if Billies still mad" He says

"I will"

I unlock the front door and it's quiet inside. Billies usually listening or playing music when I get home, she must be mad mad. I look around the living room, kitchen, backyard, nothing. I go upstairs to our room she's not their either. Suddenly I hear the sound of our piano in the music room. The piano is facing the wall so she didn't see me when i quietly watched her from the door frame.

"I could lie say I like it like that, like it like that" she sang

Shark never leaves her side. He saw me but payed no attention. I like hearing billie sing for herself it's calming.

"God I can't believe I yelled at her..is this who i'm becoming? I can't mess up the one relationship I would risk it all for" Billie says talking to herself

Shark whined and walked towards me causing Billie to turn around to see me leaning on the door frame. She blushes of embarrassment and gets up from her chair.

"I guess you uh managed to get home.." She said

"Yeah..Finn gave me a ride" I sighed

"How much of that exactly did you hear"


She sighs and tries to walk past me but I grab her arm. 'Come on' I mouth desperate not wanting her to ignore me. She walks back into me giving me a tight hug. I'm only an inch taller than billie so our cheeks always touch when we hug. It's comforting, my body's always warm and her skin is cold. The collision of both temperatures makes it so you never want to move your faces from each other.

"Can we just keep it on the down low right now? So the assumptions go down?" She asked in a soft tone

"anything for you"

Billie and I aren't going to stop hanging out, but we'll be more careful on where we decide to get intimate. There's been dating rumors already, but there's always dating rumors when it comes to celebrities.

After the day we had it's safe to say we're fucking exhausted. We're tucked into bed but we both love to have music playing in the background when we sleep. Our music taste has gotten a lot more similar than it was on our first date. Our room is kind of cluttered, not messy, cluttered. We share interests in  art, shoes, vinyls so there's a fair share of decorations. Billie scoots closer to me and puts her head on my shoulder. I rest my head on top of hers and then she speaks after being quiet for most of the day after the fight.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you" she said gently

"It's okay, we were both pretty fired up"

"No it's not okay I shouldn't have exploded on you, I love you ok?" She said as her voice broke

"Hey, it's all good. I love you too, i'll never stop loving you no matter what happens between us" I say reassuringly

Sensitive. Everyone has a sensitivity, no matter how tough they look. They gotta soft spot. For Billie it's her relationships. Hurting someone she loves is her biggest fear, apart from losing someone she love. Actually scratch that LOSING someone she loves is her biggest fear, which i think is possible to be everyone's biggest fear even if they say it isn't. My soft spot is my family, Billie is part of that now she's my family. I have a spot for her in my heart that I don't think anyone else can fill. It's like when you have someone in your life that you can't imagine letting go, even if you eventually stop having the same feelings for them you don't want to let them go because of how big of an impact they've had in your life. I'm not saying I'll ever lose feelings for Billie but i'm saying that I'd still always want her in my life no matter what.

We have plans to go to a lake tomorrow with everyone including her parents, finneas and claudia, My dad and my brother Andres, and Malik. It's a pretty cool lake in the middle of the mountains surrounded by trees. We all just really need a break right now. The Lake is pretty far away since we are in los ángeles and it's in the mountains. Only about an hour and a half without traffic. Road trips are fun! 

"Goodnight Quinn"

"Goodnight my love"

The day was an exhausting turn of events. I still feel bad for saying Billie only cares about herself because that's certainly not true. I want to make sure she has the best day tomorrow because she's tired of the press and tired of her sexuality being the center of conversation, not only is she tired of her sexuality being the center of conversation she's tired of people invalidating her feelings. She's Human but nobody treats her like it.

heads up! this book really just shows the evaluation of billie and quinn's relationship! and how their love continues to grow!!! ☺️☺️☺️

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