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"come with me or i'll shoot her!"


Please don't kill me.

That's not how the date started! I'll get to that point later okay? Billie and I were finally on the rooftop and it was a nice dinner I have to admit. It wasn't too movie romance because I hate that shit but also it was a nice memory.

"This is nice, who would've thought you had it in you" Billie smiles

"To be completely honest this was a surprise for me too" I laugh

The dinner was a vegan sushi with sparkling apple cider since billie isn't 21 yet. I doubt she'd want to drink wine anyways but who knows she changes her mind constantly, it's cute.

"So why did you come looking for me?" Billie asks taking a bite of her sushi

"I mean, it wasn't really my idea at first. But I eventually did look up to the idea because I truly wasn't over you, I tried to date someone else and it wasn't the same feeling I had with you" I look at her directly in the eyes and lick my lips

I dated some chick for like two months and she broke up with me because I still would talk about how happy billie would make me. I'm such a dick. She was a cool person, really nice, cared for me. But the way she ended it was "I really really like you but you clearly still have feelings for your ex and I don't think I can do that. It's best if we call it quits"

"So what about you? You didn't seem so annoyed that I was following you everywhere" I laugh awkwardly

"Well let's just say I couldn't take my mind off you either"

WOOOOOO. Okay, alright.

"I'm glad we're doing this, I really missed you" I put my hand onto hers across the table.

"Um, me too" She smiles

We finished our dinner then went downstairs. In the elevator our hands grazed each other's. You don't know how bad I wanted to hold her hand. I didn't because I wasn't sure if she'd feel comfortable with it. But we stayed close.

"After you" I say opening the passenger door letting her in

There wasn't many people at the Disney after hours. There was two options. A Disney villain theme or Princess theme. The princess theme ended an hour before the villain one so I chose the villain one of course and it was sick as fuck!

"This is fucking awesome" Billie said

"I know right!"


"That was really fun" Billie said as we walked out of the park

Again our hands grazed each other's and I built up the courage to hold it. She held my hand too and put her head on my shoulder. It's crazy how when we first met we weren't so nervous to do things we are nervous to do now. I kind of like it though? It gives me a feeling of....something i'm not so sure of what.

We made it to the car safe and sound. Everything was going great. The cars a convertible but i've never really driven with the top up. But I noticed billie was shivering a little bit so I took my time to put the top up and give her my jacket. She's tired I can tell her eyes are heavy and she's slowly drifting off to sleep by each second.

I have to stop by for gas my tank is nearly empty. Its cold, 2 in the morning. After hours runs late what can I say. Los Ángeles knows their occupants, nearly every store has something vegan. Billie loves chocolate oat milk. Maybe I can check if they have some here. I don't want to leave her alone though. She'll be fine it's just five minutes.

They do have the milk! I bought two of them, one for myself obvi. See I was anxious for nothing billies still sleeping in the car. Some scary guy has a gun with the same symbol as Casey's and just kicked my car.

Some scary guy has a gun with the same symbol as Casey's and just kicked my car????

ITS FINE. Just get into the car and leave. I put the milks in the cup holders get in the car. The guy grabs my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

His voice is deep and he pulls me out of the car.

"Man get the FUCK outta here!" I yell

I wanted to handle this myself but Billie jumps and sees what's happening. She panics and gets out the car.

"Billie stay in the car!" I shout at her not wanting her to get hurt

"Hell no! I'm gonna call the police Quinn we'll be fine!"

"I don't recommend doing that" The man smiles

A sudden bang occurs causing the man to fall to the ground. It was Casey she shot the dude coming from literally nowhere. I thought she was in jail, I thought she was with him! Immediately I run up to billie hugging her and sighing from relief. Then turn back to Casey.

"I thought you were in jail" I say

"Oh nah sweetheart they're still looking for me, because of you"

"I'm not the one who hid drugs in the house!" I shout

"Quinn please don't make her mad" Billie whispers in my ear

"You need to come with me Quinn" Casey says with her hand on her gun

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yell

She quickly grasps her gun and points it to us. "come with me or i'll shoot her!" She yells

I feel billie tightly hold onto my arm "Don't go" she whispers "please"

"I said I'll shoot her bitch I ain't playing!"

"DONT! I'll go with you just keep her out of this!"

"That's what I thought" She says putting her gun back into her holster

"Quinn please!" Billie shouts with a worried look on her face

"Can I?" I ask Casey for permission to let me say goodbye

She nods her head yes and I go hug Billie. I kiss her forehead then say "if i'm not back by tomorrow tell my brother okay? I'll be okay I promise"

Billies crying a little. I don't know what Casey wants but it can't be good.

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