Taiyō Vs Haruki

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The Pressure Builds up on Me Now That I know I'm up Against Haruki...we've been Close friends and Fighting against him will be Tough, since both of us Weilds Powerful Elements and I hope we don't Hurt too much.

The Arena was Ready for me and Haruki to Fought, my Hands have been scared when I know I'm against him now, i hope He can forgive me After this.

Haruki:"Goodluck Tai."

"Goodluck to you too, Ruki."


But I know This shouldn't pressure me, so I fought without Hesitation.

I Unleashed My Angel Wings and Used Divine Arrow, i Charged the Bow and Aimed it Haruki, As soon as It Reached Max, i released the Shot and It Rapidly Hit him in the Arm, once It hitted him, the arrow exploded causing him to fly out, but he used Light Emmision and Appeared Infront of Me, I charged up my Flash Dash and I flew To Hit him, i changed the Direction of My Dash to Hit him Again 4 times, and I regained my mana during It, as I look at Haruki, I jump up on the Sky and Opened my Wings and Charged Quill Daggers, however Haruki used Auromatic Beam to Absorb My Skill, I once again Used Flash Dash and I headed Towards him, he Dodged It, as soon as I Stopped my Dash I immediately Charged up Divine Arrow and Shot him, it managed to Successfully hitted him and exploded, haruki, he Used Light Emmision and Teleported Right Behind Me, and He used Empiry Rain, I started to Run to Avoid getting hit, i Had to Use Angelic Aura, I enhanced my Running Speed and I was able to Outrun his Skill, I saw him Charged up Polar Projection and Aimed It at Me, i Started to Run on a Zigzag way as I Go Close to Him, once I was able to Got close to Him, I immediately Used Quill Daggers and Rapidly Shot him with Divine Arrow, I Then Saw Him Disappeared, he must had used Light Emmision, i look around and Saw him He Trapped me inside his Auromatic Beam, but That didn't stop me Using Flash Dash and I managed to Hit him, and I changed my direction to Continuously Hit him.

Haruki:"Damn, i Didn't knew you we're good at Fighting."

"Sorry, but I can't lose."

I Ran To Haruki and Used Flash Dash, once I managed to finish that I used Divine Arrow and Quill Daggers at the Same Time, he Wont give up Easily since he can Avoid going out of bounds using Light Emmision, I ran to Him and Gave him a Direct Hit in the Stomach, and I Took a Little break to regain a little bit of Mana.

Haruki Suddenly Used Light Emmision and He Kicked me right on the Leg, as soon as I noticed him, I quickly Hitted him with a Divine Arrow causing us both Flying end to end of the Arena But, I Used Flash Dash to Ran back and I saw him Used Light Emmision, I used Quill Daggers and Aimmed it at Haruki, but he Absorbed it with Light Emmision, I've known Haruki, he always defence before Attack, so I headed to Do a Direct Hit to Tire his defence, once I manage to Hit him Repeatedly, I immediately shot him again with Divine Arrow, I Started to Feel tired after Using Consecutive combos But I know I can Regain Fast.

(Should I use It?)

I Started to Used Flash Dash and I Continued Hitting him, and I proceeded To Hit him Physically when I had too.

Haruki:"I'll have to Use it Then."

Haruki Used Polaris, the Whole Arena was Covered in Aurora, I immediately Used Angelic Aura once Again to Enhance my Speed and Tried to Outrun his Ult, seeing him Unable to Move during his Ult, i ran towards him and Seriously Hit him in his Vital Spot, finally, I used Flash Dash to Hit Him and I Used Arcane Guardian.

Blue Lightning Started to Surround me and I Shot a Holy Arrow On the Star Above Me to Infuse the Power, then It started to Rain down Heavy Arrows and They Explode on Impact, once they Explode they Throw out Daggers along the Way, however Now That I used this Skill, i was near to the Point where I will run out of Mana, so I Used everything I had, Haruki who Got hit on my Skill was Unable to Move and Receive Thousands of Blows and It was enough to Nearly Got him off, but as soon as my Attacked Finished he was still standing.

"Fight Back! I know Your Stronger than This!"

I saw Haruki who's fist Was Glowing with Aurora Aura, and He Charged straight Into me, I also Ran towards him and Both of my Hands Glow with Angelic Aura and Quill Daggers and me and Haruki Crashed our hands causing a Massive Explosion...


Haruka:"What Happened?!"

Keigo:"The Arena is filled with Smoke!"

Kiara:"I can't see Them"

Takehiro:"What Happened down There?"

Sir.Yoshi:"Ms.Yuri, what happened down There?"

Ms.Yuri:"Wait Theres too Much Smoke I can't see.

As soon as the Smoke Disappeared something Happened

Ms.Yuri:"Wait what Is That?"

Suddenly a Huge Rainbow Tornado Occured while Shockwaves of Explosions Appeared

Everything on the Arena slowly dissapeared and They saw Haruki Unconscious while Taiyō Stood Tired

Suddenly Taiyō Then fell down and Ms.Yuri rushed to Heal them.

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