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A Few days had Passed and Keigo and Takehiro came out as a Couple and everyone Supported for them, while They visit Rank Five and Four in a Safe containment place and They can see the results that They are slowing reverting back to there Old states, especially Chitose.

She was almost Done as what Is Left is her Memories, and she will be Able to be set free.

The only problem we have left is Three more, right?


A dimension of Distorted walls and Floors seeks in the View, and Three people stands in place.

A Male, who is Serious about everything.

Another Male, a Warm smile but a Selfish Attitude.

Lastly him, a Fighter who can fight head-on.

And one more Stands infront of them.

"You three will be Given this Vial I created." He gave them a Vial containing A Black Substance which looked like It can Kill anyone with a Touch.

"Upon death, you will be Immortal with this, and I will now Start the process of Destroying the Mages once and for All."

"As you wish, master."

The three had been Sent to there Domes and He looked onto the Female on the Right.

"Isuka, how Many are there?"

"There are Twenty of them, Fourteen Kids and Six mages on Site."

"I'll make you one of them, at the Meantime, get everything prepared."

"You will Fall, I will get my revenge once and for All."


A new person had been Reborn, she had Light brown hair while Sustaining a Caramel colored Eyes, similar as Akatora's.

"Urgh, my head hurts." She groaned and Looked around Confused and scared at where she Was at.

"Where am I?!" She panics and The door opens.

"Ah, hello Chitose and It seems the Process is complete."

"Process? What do you mean?" She tries to calm down and Answers politely.

"Well, around Thirty years Ago, you had been Transform into a Killing monster And destroyed the good side, also you we're a Part of the Five Gaoma."

"What is a Five Gaoma?" She tries to remember what Happened years Ago.

"You don't remember Anything years ago?"

"I do, I do! This is just new to me."

"Allow me to Explain then."

Alot of Explaining of how the World is right now, and What is happening right now.

"I see." She was Devasted and Regretted on killing so Much without her own Control.

"Where is my Bestfriend and Mom, I haven't seen them for so Long."

"May I ask who is this Bestfriend and Mother?"

"His name is Edward, we We're classmates in Highschool and I invited him to a Club of mine."

"I see, and Your mother?"

"She is Akatora."


A Phone rang And A Mage answered; "Hello?"

"Ma'am, by any Chance do you ever had a Daughter?"

"Yes I do, why?"

"We found her."

A few minutes passed and the Door burst open, A Panting and tired Akatora came And quickly walked Forward.

"I came as Fast as I could, where is She?!" Her expressions was Like a Worried parent, she never Thought her Daughter would still be Alive.

"Chi!" She rushed To her.

"Mom!" And so her.

They both Shared a Hug which they Haven't felt for a Long time while Bursting in tears As they finally Reunite.

"I missed you so Much Chi!" She cuddled her tightly while She cried on her Shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Mom, i'm so Sorry!" She cried.

The rest watched Seeing them Emotional, of course It has been Years Since they seen each other.

"Look at you, You still look the same before I last saw you...You haven't changed." She was worried because She didn't get to grow older.

"Mom, where is Edward?" Her best friend.

"He is Thirty years Older than you now, because you Haven't aged, but You can still see him. I just don't know Where he is Right now."

"What matters for me Now is You are back My sweetheart." She hugs Her again.


Another day Had passed and the Siblings are Having their own Bonding time as well as the Two blondes who are Watching from A Distance.

"Hey, haruki." The smaller one Spoke.

The other one Looked at Him and Heard him out.

"Do you think One of us would Die from the Higher ranking Opponents?"

"Hopefully not you or Him." He sighed and Grabs him by the Shoulder.

"Haruka, don't die before me."

"You too."

They looked as the both of them we're called and Shook off the topic and Played with them.

The breeze on the Air was Warm, as the Small little children have some fun in there Lives before taking Action into somewhere dangerous.

It'll be a Tragic life if One dies in a Battle, but That is a Beauty of Life and death.

No matter what Happens, fight Till To the end.

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