Fallen Members

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As another Day Passed me and Haruki
Cuddled during Sleeping, and finally I can walk After that. We both Headed to Class and Sir.Yoshi Announced an Important message for the Evil Mages.

"So now That all of you Have been Familiar with The Five Gaoma, i will Now tell you the Former members, they are Also known as Fallen Members from them."

The Five Gaoma consisted differently, but as the Newer members Arrived they we're Overpowered and they Took the spots from the Old members, the Old members tried to Reclaim there Throne but couldn't, now they are in a group of Evil mages and They still Hunt down Mages even tho they're Fallen members.

Before the Five Gaoma Existed, it only had 3, but the New 3 ranks Took there Places and Dominated them, the additional 2 Joined when they we're found Strong for being Evil.

They Still exist and They are Not friendly when you Encounter them.

A Mage who Was Killed 2 Years Ago discovered the Base of the Five Gaoma, it was Known to be Called The Distorted Mansion It looks like a Mansion on the Outside but It's Actually a Disaster on the Inside...

No one Knows where It's located Since It looks like a Normal Mansion, but to be Sure, always Knock and It'll break You in.

Time passed and We split in 4 People, haruka, haruki, moon and Me. Hence we Looked each Other thinking on a Combo on our Elements that It'll do Massive Damage. "So, we have Slime, aurora, ice and Angel." We looked On our skill sets On Making a successful Combo, alas we Decided to Make one. "Haruka, you will stun the Opponent with Using Splitting Slime, then Taiyō, you will proceed to Use flash Dash while the Opponent is Stunned, once you Hitted with the 4th hit Moon and Haruki will Both hit the Opponent with Splash Skills haruki will use Polar Projection and Moon will do Flurry Heave." That was Our Main combo, we then Proceeded to Be the 1st Group to complete a Combo Attack.

Thats then, as Break time Occured The Whole group of friends formed a Group on a Table and Create a Synchronized Comboe. We eventually spended an Entire Hour creating 2-5 person combos That litterly took Effort, and when It's the weekend We decided to Practice our New together Abilities to Create a More powerful attack.


As a Few days Passed we Mastered what we Learned and We all had a Week of break all of Us decided to Create a Chaotic Elemental Disaster on Different People's houses, it was a Disasterous Chaos and we Didn't mind Filling up The roofs with Slime, or Troll a person with Fuji's shockwave halo creating Annoying Music, and even Takehiro floating A Person's coffee.

As half a week Passed, we All had to Sleep really early Since the Past days we'd sleep Late causing us to Sleep during class or Pass out Now that we Managed to Have a healthy sleep cycle and Health routine everything went Smooth and Normal.

Eventually As the half of the Week passed again, we we're all Sent to a mission on Heading towards a Public Park, they said that there was a Mysterious amount of People Kept dying Here when No one looks, we all On a Group head to check It out.

Time passed and No suspicious Occurance Appeared. "Hey, didn't it Also said When No one looks at Each Other one will disappear Right?" Kiara Told us, eventually as We looked all each other we Nodded on Agreement to Keep an Eye on each other for any Event that'll happen, eventually as Soon as we Looked away for a Second Keigo and Fuji suddenly disappeared; I Immediately looked and Only saw a Blue trail and It disappeared we All looked confused and Look on the Bush behind them, nothing was there, we Started to Suspect there was someone who Vanishes and Teleports away with the Victim it has, we Heard a Little noises but we couldn't completely Make it out, and as About as we Look behind, blue Orbs suddenly Headed straight to Us, haruka And Kiara Immediately Used combustion to Absorb it and Slime shield to Deflect It, a bunch of smoke surrounded us And Eventually as soon as It disappeared, we saw 2 People standing a Teenager who looks like a 8th Grader and Another teenager Who seems to be a 10th Grader...

"Hey hey, don't go Rash on the New people." Said the person On the distance. "It's boring without Fun you know?" Said the other Person, they then Took Little steps forward and We Didn't flinched as they Went nearer, and they Toss 2 people Who was Fuji and Keigo, completely Passed out and Tied up, I looked to There Eyes and I saw both of Them have the symbol of 3 and 2 with an X mark on It, "Fallen 3 and 2? What are they Doing here?"

We Immediately stood battle Phases and see on What'd they do first. "There a Group of Teenagers with Weak Elements, we Shouldn't play around with weaklings" Said the Guy with a Black hair. "Nah, they Look strong Fun to Play with." The guy with the Brown hair said, the Other Guy then Aimed his Arm on us and Blue smoke started to Appear Kiara and Haruka stood front to take Blow, eventually The person then Shot a Blue giant Orb and It splitted to 7 more Orbs and It charged to Us, luckily Haruka managed to Reflect 2 to them and Kiara absorbed 3 and exploded It.

"My my, the guy with The Blonde Hair and That Girl on a Black look powerful" said the Person on Black, he stood another Step and as My eyes looked Left haruka spawned 3 pink slimes and there Hiding on the bush charging to Them, they Looked like they Haven't noticed and Then It appeared right Behind them and It stucked on There backs, the Guy with the Brown hair Acked while the Other one tried to Remove It. Nice Job Haruka, i Flew Up and Shotted them with a Divine Arrow aiming for the Centre, and they Both got Hit, Haruki and Takehiro ran to Fuji and Keigo and Slapped them to wake up whike they Untie them, both of them woke up and It took 2 seconds for them ti Remember what Happened, thankfully We changed in Plans to split in 2 to each of the Target.

Kiara, takehiro, keigo and Fuji takes the Guy on the Right, the Brown haired one.

Me, haruki, haruka and moonlight to the Black haired One.

It's against 4 on 1!

°•~The Five Gaoma~•°Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora