The Subway!

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Haruka created Balls of Slime as Moonlight had her Hands iced and they Both rush in for a Direct hit.

"Nightmare: Dream."

An Eye comes from his Right Hand.

"Eyes of Heavenly Dream."

A Shockwave came from the Eye and It reached Both moonlight and Haruka, they Stopped and Fell asleep, but They woke Up immediately.

Instead for the Slime and Ice they both do Punches since there Attacks disappeared, but he just Dodges It.

"Heavenly Dream."

They Fell asleep again as The shockwave hitted them and They got up Quick.

"Heavenly Dream."

"Heavenly Dream."

"Heavenly Dream!"

They Just kept on Sleeping and Waking up!


Alas There hands Finally glow for Slime and Ice and Tried to Hit him, but he dodges.


Why isn't It working? No. Wait, I see.
They've been Falling...Over the Spell again and Again!

"Heavenly Dream."

The moment they Fell asleep they...

Kill themselves!

Even though It's inside a Dream but to Kill yourself, requires alot of Intelligence.

These Brats...

They chase him down Until.

"Are Insane!"

"Nightmare Head!"


Haruka...Why didn't you, saved us? His older sister Pushed him. Why did you Leave us? Only you and Brother...Survived...

I told you to Respect your Siblings. Your useless.

It should had been you had Died, how dare you Live without a Care.


Moonlight...why did you Killed me?

"No! I didn't kill you Tai!"

Liar, you froze me and your Brother to Death, and Mom and Dad are Abandoning you, how could you Live without Respecting us?

It should had been you who didn't exist, your not Welcome with us.

You are Not a part of us.

Both of them Woke up completely in Anger.

"No way My Family could Say that! Especially My brother! I will Not forgive You!"

"My Family never Hated me! I never Killed them, I respect my Family"

"You are...Unforgivable!"

They Both Created a Slime sword and an Ice sword out of Anger and It Direct it to His Solar Plexus and his Heart.

He dropped dead as The both calmed themselves.

"Haruka are you Okay?" Moonlight asked.

"Yes, i'm Okay, Let's go back." Haruka said As they Both walked back and something Spoke behind them.

"Master said..."

Haruka and Moonlight looked at His corpse and He was still alive. They Took battle Phases again and This was different.

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