A Dream Presence

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As A Month passby, we We're all Ordered into a Mission that All of us must Work together.

"Strangely there has been severe Cases that went around a week now, and all of you and I will be heading towards To the Subway train Because thats where It was kept occuring."

The 1st day before It started. The news Spreaded that Around 100 people we're killed On a subway train And no evidences we're found During It, the government sent out Policemens but all of them Vanished dead, and now It's our job to Discover what has been occurring this Strange thing.

This time, Ryan, Yhurie and Bryce are joining to Provide our safety for one another.

As an Hour passed we arrived to Our destination The atmosphere felt A little Heavy and I could feel something is wrong here. Luckily we have each Other to back up.

We all headed To claim our tickets to Aboard the Subway and we all headed inside, there was a Total of 7 Cars and It was filled with people. Half we're sleeping and half we're playing and awake, we Headed to Car 4 and all sat down On our respective Seats. "So when do you Guys think The Abnormal Activities on this Ride will occur?" Yhurie said, "Maybe Soon, the Subway is An Hour ride since The owner talked to Sir.Yoshi about Us and this Thing." Kiara said. All of Us chatted with Pleasure and We watched as nothing has been happening yet.

Eventually Haruka Picked up a Scent and Said that there was Something strange Lurking around But couldn't tell what It is, the Light was Flicking and Fuji said Something or Someone is Manipulating the Train. As the Lights flicker It all went off together and Went on again. What was that? I don't know.

We didn't thought It was something and Kiara said That It might be the Electricity burning which causes the flicker? Haruka said It wasn't He found a Strange scent of Powerful Aura just around us It's everywhere.


"Too die while Inside a Rapture of your Nightmares, It is a Fun thing to Watch!"

"You will all fall Deeper and eventually Die."


"Should we Check the Other Cars?" Moon asked.

"No, not yet This thing might attack when We're separated. So all of Us use dashing skills that Doesn't hurt Humans."

"I'll go." Ryan said and he left a Clone which means he'll teleport back here, "I'll run to the end to look for clues my Clone will teleport me automatically After a minute." and He ran without saying anything but that. We assumed It might drain his Time.

As a Minute passed he Came back and He sat back down. "Any information?" Haruka said. "Nope, everything is Fine."

"Thats kind of Odd so when will this Thing attack?" Bryce Said with A Expressionless face.

"Be Patient It'll come out soon."

The conductor Came from the door behind us And she checked our tickets and Punched It, she Greeted us with enjoy the ride She looked kind and left.

10 minutes has passed as we waited I found The rest Sleeping they got tired after waiting I guess, haruki Shutted down and he Layed on me I gently Fixed his Position and I slept aswell.


"Everything is working out little by Little." A Detaching Noises we're heard. "Go on Little one, and tell them the Plan." Running noises we're now heard. "A Nightmare shows Once you enjoy your Happy destiny and How unfortunate to Die when your Having a Nightmare?"

"That's because, I can't even Wake up from my Nightmare."


"I did It sir, I did what you Asked now they're Asleep. Please...let me have One too, I beg you please."

"Sure, since you've been a Good little girl."

"You've done a Splendid job! Hehe."

"Dream:Heavenly Blast."

"And now Enjoy the Time where you Reunite your Lover."

"Um, sir How about us?"

"Ah, All of you will use this And Attach It to them, i'll be Staying on the Front to prepare Everything and I'll give you what you desire Like her."

"Yes sir."


Too many Dots.

As Everyone we're in a Deep sleep who Will save Them? Who Knows? Luckily Someone came right on Time.

"So everyone We will-oh."

"Everyone is Asleep, I must Protect them while They rest atleast Some of them have Good survival Instincts."

He places some Stuffs Next to Moonlight which seems to Contain Equipments.

"Then, that's That! Just Stick it to there Neck and Destroy there Spirits! There Spirits are just Fragile as a Glass."

As soon as Sir.Yoshi went to the Next car to Fix some stuff A group of Teenagers who seems To hold a Thread that Looked Like it was Maded off by An expert Maker. One, by one. They gently tied It onto there Neck and There's too.

"Count to 10 and Close your eyes, and eventually You'll fall asleep."



Shallow Waves of Snow wear Filling a Person and It seemed to be a Teen who had Dark blue hair, Ah. Isn't this where Dad disappeared?

He took a Battle phase when He heard a Sound of Walking, he Tried to calm down as the Sound got louder and As he looked Around.

"Oh, Taiyō Welcome home! How's your School going?"


He dropped his Guard and Started to Run towards To the Person desperately Crying the Other person was Confused and Asked why was he Crying? He didn't Answered he Continued to Sob as the Depths of his Spirit grows Bigger.

"Ah, It seems Some of them are Enjoying there Dreams. That's great, soon All of you will Disappear like the Others.."

Another Spirit has awoken And It seems to be the Spirit of 2 Persons Are those 3 Related? They look Identical so I'll say It is. Goodluck waking up Teenagers.

2 Spirits connected Into one Which seems To be a Related Family.

"Oh, welcome Back Moon and Fuji!"

The Two standed still as they Saw what they didn't expect they See. Both Immediately Ran and Form a Group hug as A Reunited Family. Sadly, this is just...a Dream realm.

Another Two spirits awakens and It seems to be Twins. The Blonde twins.

Two of them Walked tired And entered to there Home, usually It remained quiet as there Older brother and Sister Would go out. But they Didn't expect they would See there Parent's again After they became Deceased on a Brutal Accident and a Sacrifice for there Lives. They only opened There Door and saw there Parent's and There entire Family Happily playing Inside.

The Two we're mentally hurt and Happy as They see yet again there Parents and the Joy on there Older siblings.

An Echo of Spirits being Overwhelmed on there Happy dreams where They expect to be in Reality.

"Oh my oh my. Looks like there Spirits there are Enjoying there Dreams."

"Haha, soon All of you will Die as I am Stronger than All of you. Because, I am Fallen 1...The Upcoming Rank 5!"

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