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"There Dreams aren't actually Endless, the Person who owns the dream is the Center. Go far and You'll reach the Wall of the Subconscious, and break through to Reach the deeper Part and that's where there Spirit is Located. Destroy It and we Win~"

It looks Like this Person's dream is the Smaller Blonde guy, Tsk. I need to Break his spirit Fast! Where is his Wall of Subconscious."

She continued running away to Search for the End as she Reached the End she touched An Invisible wall She grab a Knife made out Of Pure Energy of a Person, she Stabbed the Air creating a Hole and slice It down creating a Giant hole for her to get Into.

The Deeper part Was a Landscape of The Ocean, It was oddly Peaceful and Calm but she Didn't Care she only Cared to Win. She ran To find the Spirit and Get out of There.

In the Outside world Haruka had a Great sense of Smell and He can sense whoever Intrigued To his Spirit.

She Tired running on the Sand to Search for the Spirit in Him, and She found It. Floating on the Air on a Shape of an Orb and It was the Color of Light blue in a Slimy Look which represents his Element of Slime.

She Grabbed the Knife she used to Open the World and Immediately tried to Break It, before The Impact The sleeping Haruka Immediately Woke up and Grabbed The other persons Neck and Strangled her.

How? Normally a Person cannot Immediately wake up when There asleep but How him? What an Incredible Survival Instinct! She choked while Trying to Take off Haruka's Hand on her Neck, she Struggled as She kept on Struggling until she Passed out. Haruka Letted go and Looked at The others.

Everybody has a Person Connected onto there Neck, Haruka grabbed to his neck and removed the Thread.


As The Three Siblings who are Happy onto there Dream, another 3 Random Teenagers Saw that They are connected, they All ran to the edge of the Dream to reach the Wall of Subconscious, They stayed on a Group as the Core of the Dream are Inside of the Dream right at the Center, they Then reached the Wall of subconscious and They broke the Wall, the Landscape we're 3 Different Landscapes seperated into 3, The First Landscape was, a Freezing Snow and It was On a temperature of negative. The Second Landscape was A Loud Music assuming It his Sound Spirit, and the Third Landscape Was a Land of Clouds ontop a Clear blue sky with a Shining sun. Each which Go to the Landscape on where they we're Connected too.

As Expected on Moonlight's Spirit It was a Cold blizzard Of snow Making it Hard to Locate due to the Massive snow And Ice all around. Desperately trying to Find her Spirit He Gave up Due to the Freezing Temperatures and Eventually Woke up.

Another Landscape, It was Loud and Hard to tell the Direction of the Sound of the Spirit is Located, however The closer He gets to the Spirit the Louder It became. It was Breaking his Ear drums and He couldn't resist to Get out, his Ears we're Hurt after Having high variage of volume thru him.

Lastly the Youngest Landscape, a Calm cloud surface with A sense of Warmth Air as the Rays of the sun we're Gentle, he Walked to Find his Spirit only to Encouter a group of Angels which seems to Be his Friends in The Real world, he was Amazed on how Peaceful It was and He saw the Spirit, located in The center

It was a Calm White and Yellow Orb and It looked like a Shining Ray of Sun, he kneeled down and Started to Ask why would he Destroy such a Beautiful thing?

He Dropped the Knife he was Holding and He Gave up, he woke Up and Saw some of the People are Passed out by Haruka, he Stepped closer to Haruka and said; "Thank you. Goodluck defeating Him." He said and Left leaving Haruka confused.

A Him huh? And where is He hiding? Haruka Looked around and See everyone In sleep, he Went to Fuji and Constantly slaps him to Wake him Up. After a Few slaps later, he finally woke Up and He wondered why is his Face burning? Haruka Explained what Happened and Told him to Wake everyone up Using a High Volume Sound which is loud enough to wake up Everyone.

Fuji sealed himself in a Pink orb and Waves of music started to Come out Every second the Sound gets Louder and Haruka had to Use some Cotton to Cover his ears. The Sound was Loud but not Enough he Doubled The Pitch causing to Break windows and Eventually wake up Half of them, Fuji dropped down exhausted doing High volume Sounds And letted Haruka explained.

Half of them Woke up the remaining Sleeping heads and Then Explained.


"...Ah...It seems like they Failed Breaking there Spirits huh? Well it Doesn't matter They gave me enough time to Prepare anyways."

"So, let's Plan that Only atleast 2 of Us will go ontop of the Subway train and Check If he is there?"

Everyone looked each other to Decide on who will Go ontop and They decided.

Haruka who can Sense Upcoming attacks since he has Great survival Instincts and Moonlight who can Help Haruka defend behind him and Help him Fight on him, we Will be down here to Check if something is going on Here.

Moonlight and Haruka nodded and Proceeded to Run towards a Door and Climbed ontop of the Train.

The Others splitted to Check every corner of the Train to Explore any Difference, every passenger we're Asleep, so Did he Force them to Sleep?


As Moonlight climb ontop, she Helped haruka Climbed on aswell, they Proceeded to Run until they Reach the Front.

"Oh, whats that?"


An Eye appears On both of his Hands.

"Aww, if only you Could stay asleep."

Moonlight whispered That Is it Him? Haruka nodded and Held each other, Haruka said That let him Talk.

"Why tho? Why wake up? I gave you a Wonderful dream, if I can I can also Give a Horrible Nightmare, don't you want that? No. Too stressful right?"

Haruka Flinched his Teeth and Moonlight had an expression she was Annoyed.

"Then...I'll give you a Nightmare where your Parent's Suffered."

Moonlight and Haruka was Getting Annoyed and Pissed but they Held each other to Not attack.


Oh, what I really love...Is to give people Awesome nightmares after a Dream, The sight on Killing a Low being is a Beautiful thing. I can't help It! Seeing the Despair and Agony of someone, how unfortunate?

But I won't let my Guard down. Even tho It'll take a Little while but I'll be sure to Kill you, the Conductor had An Ability of mine which Causes you to Sleep when you Look onto her eyes.

But, it's weird.

How did they Woke up? Usually A person wouldn't wake up About Three hours or More, pesky Humans desire for There cravings, but not Enjoy there dreams?

"Thats a Wonderful Instinct!"


"Don't you Dare Intrigue to Our spirits! We won't let you Kill everyone."

Huh? Whats that? He looked Similar to that Guy...No wait Thats his Little brother so That means...and that Girl, she looks like Him aswell...Haha...

"Oh What a Fortune! So Both of them are In this Subway! If I can kill them I can Achieve more Fragments to Finally Complete my Duty and become Rank 5!"

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