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30 Years ago, The School That was Abandoned not to Long ago but It was Public back Then. There, a Little club Of theirs We're not That Famous but Rather, Warm.

A School Girl and a School Boy went Together to this Small little Club of theirs And the Boy was surprised that It only had Three members, And He was the Forth.

She however Wanted to Spend her School year With him since They grew up Together. A Boy from there Club greeted The new Boy and Gladly accepted him.

There, Four of them. Inside a Club of there Own.

Writing Stories, Making Baked goods, Helping Festivals was There deity. A Kindness that Spread and Gave Not just Patience to One person but Temptation.

One day, the Boy lad Greeted the New One, he Said that He would Like to Hangout with Him for the Day, Isn't that Sad for the Other? She watched as She saw the Two happily Together which Made her heart Ache. It hurts. She like The other Members of the Club who Minds there Own business, Got themselves Trapped in a Doomed Spell.

A Spell that Can Erase an Entire persons Status, No traces can be Found.

The Girl who by go the Name Chitose And her Bestfriend who Was taken away by The other. That person no Other than. Edison Himself, Edward admits That he Enjoys Spending his Time with them which Caused The other Lad to Go insane each passing Day.

The day Had come, Edward and Chitose we're Pressured by an Unknown entity but Rather ignored It, Edison himself Activated his Element And he Tied a Red string On just Chitose's Neck and he...pulled, an It was Called as Suicide but It was a Murdered Scene, The only person who Witnessed was Edward himself he Knew That Edison was Obsessed with Him. He Attempted to Escape but It was no Use, he was Teleported back to the Club room and Chitose was Gone from Existence, Not even the Other two. Sedfrey and Charl, had no Clue What happened nor a Single memory of Chitose.

The day Continued With the disappearance of Chitose which was Now the Problem of Charl. Edison himself Used his Technique again and He turned the Calm and Creative Charl into a Psychopath Yandere and He grabbed a Knife and He'll kill anyone in His way except Edward, But Edison stopped him and Grabbed his Hand with the Knife was and Stabbed Himself.

Three remained. Sedfrey noticed And he warned Edward to Run away before he Completed the Sentence he was Deleted away Like a Computer Application. The two We're left alone Edward was Teleported To an Unknown location but It looked like It was His Home, he Looked around only to See the room turned Red and the Three corpses of His friends we're behind him.

He could not Fight back since He was Elementless but was Powerful in His looks but as Soon He saw the Distance, he Saw what seems to be a Core. He ran to It and grabbed It, Edison was Scared and He admit thats His Heart.

If he Smash It, Everything is Over.

He smashed It to the Ground creating Edison started to Glitch and Malfunction, his body Started to Fade away as he Glitched his Final words we're Difficult to Understand.

"What the Hell did you Do?! !nrober lliw i dliew i rewop eht ekovni i nrub ot emoc sah emit ym! I wIlL gEt mY rEvEnG-!"

He disappeared and Everything that Had happened went back to Normal as If nothing had Happened.

He was Confused on the Information he Discovered, It took alot of Time to fill. His friends who Had no memory of What happened Acted like there Normal selves, As for Him he was the Only one with the Memory of what Happened. Chitose Her own Asked if He can Hangout with Her, The obvious Answer was.

"Sure, my Friend Chitose."


She was Frozen as she Heard he saw her as a Friend only, She slowly got Insane and She bursted Out and She disappeared as Her looked Changed And she was Unidentical to Her old self.

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