Chapter 16

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Scotts POV:

"Lizzie! Hey!..." I try to save myself from that awkward event.
"Scott..! Hey..?" She tries to copy my fake excitement but it becomes more of a question.
She knows something is up. We've been friends for over 10 years now... she always knows when something is weird about me.
"Ok so listen, I know we were planning to play some hardcore Minecraft challenges together, today. But, a few people are free and I wondered if they could join." Lizzie says in her normal, non-enthusiastic voice.

"Ah yeah sure, who's joining?" I ask.
"Probably Lauren, Joey. Oh, and your-" I realise she doesn't already know I'm live.
"YEAH! That sounds really good." I say a bit louder than I should've. "Also I'm live right now."
She goes dead silent, and I know she's realised her mistake.
"Cool! So is everyone on that list good?" She asks me for confirmation.
"Yep, all of them are good. Anyone else? I can get a few more and we can just play some Among Us. I know you haven't streamed it in a while. Could make a great chaotic video." I suggest.
"That is a very good point. Everyone seems to love those videos, you should see the views." We both laugh together.

I quickly text Lizzie, "that was really close." She replies almost instantly.
"yeah I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea you were live."
"It's ok, just check next time. I can't let it get out."

I read off the list of people joining the game today.
"So today we have, Lizzie, Lauren, Kassie, Joey, Shelby, myself, Joel, Maddie, Megan, and Callum." I smile at the last name, but try not to make it extremely obvious.
"Ok let's get started!" I say, loading up my game screen.

Lizzie's POV:

"Hey Scott, I'll be back. I'm just going to make sure everyone else is ready." I say.
"Yeah no worries, don't be too long." I smile and exit the call. That was a close one. I almost told Scott's entire audience about him and Callum. I need to pay better attention to these things.

I join the among us lobby and text the group chat: "Everyone ready and set up?" I ask.

Group chat (everyone has nicknames)

Strawberry: Pretty sure. I just started my stream.
Shubs: Yep all set! I'm doing another 8 hour stream so I was already prepared.
Strawberry: Ok show off 🙄
Shubs: Hey! When I get imposter I'll kill you first!
CallumTheGreat: Don't say that, because you'll actually do it...
Gloomy: What's going on? I'm ready, I think.
TheKing: I'm ready queens 😋
Strawberry: Who let Joey name himself "TheKing"?
CallumTheGreat: Probably Scott, they seem to be on the same wavelength
TheQueen: Cause we're gay? Cal you know better than to say things like that
CallumTheGreat: No, because you two have matching nicknames.
TheKing: But you're not wrong about the gay part :)
Jeremy: What has this group chat become?
PregnantZSide: I don't know but it sounds like Callum and Scott are an old married couple.
TheQueen: Damn right we are.
Strawberry: Ok you two lovebirds need to stop flirting and load up your games.
StardewMads: Yeah, what Megan said
OstrichLover: Actually, please do hurry up. The lobby will close soon.
Jeremy: Sorry <3
Shubs: How many couples have we even got in here?
Strawberry: Too many
Gloomy: There's only one... what are you talking about?
PregnantZSide: Wait... no one told her?
Gloomy: what...? should I know something?
TheQueen: Cal and I are dating.

Callums POV:

"OH MY GOD! WHY DID YOU GUYS NOT TELL ME?! WHAT THE F-" Kassie shouts through discord
"STREAMINGGGG! KASSIE." Everyone yells back at the same time.
"Why didn't you tell me that you guys are coming to visit..." She tries to save it but this will get us in even more trouble.

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